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Everything posted by Dark Pulse
Fittingly enough, I posted "Sheik Yerbouti Tango" in a Discord server yesterday.
Switches are directionally-sensitive. Are you sure the front-facing linedef is pointing outward and you didn't accidentally texture the back wall of what is the switch? (The little mark in the middle of a linedef indicates which side is the front side.) Since you're mapping in Boom format, do you have an ANIMATED lump in your WAD? If not, you're gonna need it.
Project Proposal - Ultimate Doom: By The Map
Dark Pulse replied to Dark Pulse's topic in WAD Releases & Development
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uo7VLtOmLw2cqirNxD6jxF0tLX2p6hFO -
Frankly, I'm just glad to see this effort is still alive and hasn't been abandoned. It's still hella neat in my book.
About a decade ago, there was a massive fire two doors down from us. Was an... interesting night. Few days later, cops came over. They noted we have security cameras on the outside of our house, and asked if they could look through our footage to see if we had anything from around the time the fire happened. We did - shortly before the fire broke out, there was a guy who they thought was suspicious caught walking past our house. They took a USB stick, dumped our footage (and that of a few of our neighbors), and left. Eventually, we found out that our footage gave them some of the clearest images of the guy, that he was their suspect, and they arrested, tried, and convicted him. As it turned out, it was more than a fire - it was a murder. He killed our neighbor, committed arson by setting the house on fire to try to cover it up, and our neighbor's dog died in the resulting fire. He's doing 20-to-life for second-degree murder.
PsyDoom 1.1.1 - PSX Doom port (reverse engineered) for PC
Dark Pulse replied to intacowetrust's topic in Source Ports
Yeah, the CUE matters, as that's what tells where the data ends and the audio begins. :P -
Get this stuff off Amazon (very modestly priced) and I can guarantee you that you will be awake within minutes of chewing a stick. I don't do coffee, but I will happily do this. It's so strong in its mint that you can smell it before you even take the stick out of its wrapper, and so menthol-strong it can literally unplug your nose if you have a cold or sinus issues. Sworn by it for about 15 years and it's yet to fail me even once. I enjoy giving it to people and watching their reactions. :) They have a more Chiclet-style form that fits in the cup holders for your car or if you'd just prefer that form of it, too.
I hate to say it, but as long as YouTube is owned by Google, it's going absolutely nowhere. Google makes money hand-over-fist.
Is there a way to combine maps of differing formats into 1 WAD?
Dark Pulse replied to Arrowhead's question in Editing Questions
One thing to keep in mind: The tools generally won't care, but the ENGINE is something important to consider. You said Zandronum, so make sure that all the formats of the maps from your WAD are supported by it. Otherwise, as long as the engine supports all those different formats, it's no problem to mix-and-match. Dark Tartarus does this for example: Most of its maps are in the Doom format, but three of them are specifically in Doom-in-Hexen (TAT21, TAT30, and TAT32, if you were wondering). -
In a nutshell, it's pretty simple. What windbags would have you believe it means: The First Amendment is an absolute right that gives you the right to say anything you want, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. What anyone with half a noodle who read the US Constitution properly would know it means: The First Amendment means that the government cannot make laws that (among other things, since it covers five things) censor your speech in any sort of public forum - that is, in a park, on the street, and so on, except in very limited circumstances. Private land, businesses, entities, newspapers, websites, etc. do not apply to this (unless they are acting on behalf of the government); you have every right to tell someone saying stuff you don't want to hear on your property to get lost. Some laws may also prevent employers from creating rules that (for example) forbid the ability of workers to inform one another of their salaries, organize unions, and so on. Since radio stations are not functioning on behalf of the Federal government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them. They are free to allow their hosts to say - or not say - whatever they please. (Though naturally, this will have repercussions, and no doubt the FCC would be very interested in hearing what that station is allowing to air.)
Doom Mac OS source code released
Dark Pulse replied to MODSKILLTHISACCOUNTNOW's topic in Source Ports
We can. But it's definitely key to make sure it's not considered a "release" or someone might think it's safe to base code on, and it's definitely not a good idea to do so for pretty obvious reasons. -
Next doom game won't have mick. Is doom, doomed!?
Dark Pulse replied to nathanB404's topic in Doom Eternal
Good luck finding one for Adrian Carmack though. They're few and far between. -
Okay, I offered that solution because I thought you might have removed the minus sign graphic/logic to display it to gain some space or something. :P
Next doom game won't have mick. Is doom, doomed!?
Dark Pulse replied to nathanB404's topic in Doom Eternal
Next doom game won't have mick. Is doom, doomed!?
Dark Pulse replied to nathanB404's topic in Doom Eternal
I mean, Eric Yeung has been missing since the mid-90s or so... -
3DO Doom was programmed in ten weeks.
DOOM 2 in DOOM 2 format misalignment of DOORS
Dark Pulse replied to Cacodoomonic's question in Editing Questions
Your door sector is too tall and is partially sunk into the floor, so when it opens and then shuts, it will actually stop when it hits the floor. Your standard big door is 128x128. I wouldn't be surprised if the overall height you have the door sector being is making it something like 136 or so. Basically, you solve this by making sure the Ceiling and Floor heights for the door sector are identical. That will make sure the door "ends" at the floor. Assuming you're using something like Ultimate Doom Builder, the Sector Height should be 0 if the door is set up correctly and fully closed - just right click the door sector in Sectors mode and it should pop up a dialog with the relevant height information. Any value in the negatives, and your door is starting "sunk" into the floor and will have extra when it shuts normally (because that part will not sink back into the floor); any value in the positives, and your door is not starting at floor level. Alternatively, if you want that extra little bit of stuff at the bottom of the door to be visible when opened, but to resemble how the door initially looked when it was fully shut, you need to lower the height of the actual floor under the door as well. Ceiling and Floor Height should still be 0 all the same for it to look correct. -
Can't speak for him, but perhaps he could color negative frags in a different color or something, if he can't display a negative sign.
GZDoom always starts at the lowest resolution possible.
Dark Pulse replied to DaliVinci's topic in Source Ports
If it's happening in multiple things, that definitely doesn't sound Doom related. Something you downloaded/installed is setting the video mode or something else weird is going on. Try completely uninstalling and then reinstalling your video drivers for your video card. -
Doom Mac OS source code released
Dark Pulse replied to MODSKILLTHISACCOUNTNOW's topic in Source Ports
This also isn't technically a release, as it's not sanctioned by id software. It's a leak, and thus of dubious legality at best. -
Yeah, I know how that aspect of it works. The SCRIPTS is not even needed, it's a courtesy for anyone else who wants to see how you did what you did, because reversing BEHAVIOR isn't a 1:1 process. If SCRIPTS fails to compile, it will simply keep using the last BEHAVIOR lump formed (unless you never got it to compile at all, in which case you won't even have a BEHAVIOR lump). I was talking about I don't know the circumstances under which that scripted code is being run. Is it a Linedef, for example, or is he firing it off via some cutscene (i.e; it's being called by some other script that's running), etc. He never elaborated on that aspect of it past "partway through the level, this is supposed to run." I presumed some kind of linedef-based trigger, but that's why I said what I did - since I figured Things only specifically are activators when the Thing itself calls it (and not via a pushbutton or walkover), and since 0 is both a special value for the activator in most scripts AND the default Thing TID for Player 1, he needed to change the TID so that it wouldn't get confused by 0, then he could tell the script to specifically look for the new player TID and it would all work. It being the case where it considers the player as the activator is thus just confusing me - because then it'd look for a TID of 0 (i.e; Player 1), and should work. But I know that's not the case for some edge-case reason, as virtually every mod that wants to run scripts on players, the first thing they do is make sure the player has a new, unambiguous TID (presumably for precisely that reason of 0 also being "whoever activated this script" and not specifically "Player 1".)
Next doom game won't have mick. Is doom, doomed!?
Dark Pulse replied to nathanB404's topic in Doom Eternal
This is a silly position to have. It's like saying that a game is completely living or dying by its music. And as someone who loves game music (a lot), while it can damn well make a game more memorable, and I'd prefer that music generally be done for a series by one composer, it is not the end of the world if it's a different guy doing the music. Mick Gordon is certainly a name in the business, but it's not like he's got a monopoly on that style of music. And frankly, the worst thing any game could be is too formulaic - Mick's style would be terrible for the OG Doom games, for example, because Bobby Prince was smart enough to realize that besides the heavy thrashing, you also needed pieces that brought up the creepiness and the ill-ease factors, something that's honestly kind of been missing from both Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Hell, Doom 3 barely even had music at all. And there's still some people who love it. So it sounds like you're more attached to "Mick Gordon scoring Doom" than you are to the idea of Doom itself as a gameplay style. Otherwise, you'd know it'll turn out fine. -
I'd thought that Things could only activate scripts if they are specifically called by the Thing, such as in a death special or something like that. In that case, I'm definitely wondering why his script is shitting the bed. To be fair, I also don't know how he's setting it, but if it's a linedef or a button press, that would nominally work. If he's trying to set it as some sort of cutscene or something, then yeah, it'd be obvious why (and be more or less due to what I said). Admittedly the stuff on multiplayer is stuff I'm a lot more fuzzy on, though. To be fair, most mods don't bother to script for it.
0 as a TID value is a special value. It means the activator of the script - but you're using some kind of linedef or something to trigger the script, or a cutscene, or something like that - but not a Thing. Hence, as far as the script is concerned, you haven't identified who it's supposed to affect. (If the player walks over a linedef that runs the script, it's the linedef running the script, not the player or their associated Thing.) However, by default, the player's TID is also 0, and that's why you need to basically tell the game to change the player's TID as soon as the level is started to address players by TIDs. Basically, you need to assign the Player pawn (if not several of them) a TID, and then set it to affect their TIDs. Try something like this: script 999 ENTER { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 1000 + PlayerNumber()); } This way, Player 1 becomes TID 1000, Player 2 becomes 1001, Player 3 1002... etc. This is guaranteed to work because the activator of ENTER, RETURN, RESPAWN, and DEATH scripts are always assumed to be a player, so the game will handle that accordingly. Then with the players assigned TIDs, you could set all of their health in one statement like this, if you want all players changed all at once: { for (int n = 0; n < PlayerCount(); n++) SetActorProperty(1000 + n, APROP_HEALTH, 100); } Of course, if this is a singleplayer experience, what you had is fine and you'd just need to change the SetActorProperty to 1000 for the TID for it to work. :) If you're intending for your maps to be playable in multiplayer, note that you'd also want to reset the player's TID to 0 upon death, because eventually the game might get confused and crash otherwise due to multiple corpses having the same TID otherwise. You can do that with something like this: script 997 DEATH { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 0); } script 998 RESPAWN { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 1000 + PlayerNumber()); } script 999 ENTER { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 1000 + PlayerNumber()); } If for some reason you're doing levels with hubs, you'd probably want to also add a script that is the same as the 999 example, but is RETURN instead of ENTER; that will run once upon re-entering the level (with the initial entry covered by the ENTER script and all subsequent re-visits handled by the RETURN version).