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Dark Pulse

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Everything posted by Dark Pulse

  1. Yes. Yes they fucking were. Sure, at first it'll be fine. But sooner or later, it will happen. And then it's a lot less fine.
  2. The easy solution to this: Skeletonism.
  3. IIRC, if NERVE.WAD IS in the same folder as Doom II's IWAD, it will show up as a Doom II episode. So basically, fire up Smooth Doom with Doom II and select NRFTL on the episode select.
  4. Welcome to Doom mapping, where hair is put on your chest.
  5. To be fair, unless you're an absolute audiophile, 320 kbps MP3 is way past the threshold of aural transparency (which is usually around 192 kbps for MP3). Or to put it another way: Yeah it's technically lossy, but not in a way you'd be able to hear and could only measure with the right know-how and tools. Then again, if you're looking to have lossless audio, you probably should be getting your own albums and ripping them, because anything from most streaming storefronts are not going to offer lossless downloads. (Indie stuff is an exception though - think Bandcamp, etc.)
  6. There's actually an Unreal-era beta build of Unreal Tournament floating around - back when the game was still the "Botpack."
  7. Prove me wrong. Feel free to debate me on the points then. Why do you feel that TikTok has net worth over the harms it is known to cause? No, I'm not talking about "The Chinese!" or any of that bullshit (although that is actually a very valid point), I'm talking about stories of teenagers doing some challenge that was popularized on it and winding up in the hospital - or the grave. In my hometown there was a very well-publicized case of teens who broke into a Kia thanks to that TikTok challenge, had a little joyride down a highway, and ended up in a one-car crash that killed four of them and severely injured the remaining two. Do you think this would have happened were there not an algorithm rewarding them for hits, as well as videos showing them how to break into the right type of car? What would you say about algorithms that generally know the users better than themselves? While YouTube (for example) will push things on users based on feedback and such (as TikTok does), there have been documented cases of users finding out that TikTok knew more about their sexuality than they themselves realized, or that other users who have been in depression have found videos encouraging them towards self-harm. For every good thing about an algorithm ("You like cute puppies, you might like this video about cute kittens too!") there's also a bad one ("You're thinking about ending your life, here's the most painless ways to do it."). Do you have an answer for this? No app should be tracking things any more than what a user puts in. TikTok, famously, had a little oopsie in iOS Beta 14, where every single keystroke - even outside of TikTok - was being read by it. It read anything you copied to the clipboard, even if you were not actively using the app at the time. Why would an app need to do this? What is so important that it must force itself to know what I am doing even if what I am doing has nothing to do with my use of TikTok? Would you say that it's acceptable practice that an application know what I'm doing - at all times? Would you like it if Windows sent a copy of every text you copied to the Windows clipboard off to Microsoft? If not, why is it okay for TikTok to do so? I look forward to your responses. Or, more likely, nothing at all or some smartass blowoff answer like the one I quoted, which I suspect will be the more likely option. But hey, if you're having difficulty, just consider it the Argument Challenge.
  8. I fucking hate that YouTube does this. I have an official policy: If a video opens, and I didn't opt to watch it myself, I downvote the shit. I hate that the creator gets punished for it - but more often than not it's not really anything interesting in the first place, which makes it easier to swallow.
  9. The fact you can't even have civil debate with those of the opposing viewpoint pretty much says all that I need to know. Namely, Dinosaurs #1!
  10. The less you interact with social media, in general the happier you will likely be. Especially if it's for the latest dumb "challenge" that winds up causing teenagers without the capacity to think about risks and consequences to scrape their brains on the pavement.
  11. In a sense of speaking, yes, because most Doom sound effects are unsigned 8-bit, 11 kHz, mono. (The few exceptions are the Super Shotgun reload sounds and the item respawn sound, which are 22 kHz instead.) Therefore, it's likely better that you convert your sounds to that as a WAV before importing. For what it's worth, this really only matters for Vanilla - many source ports would be able to play Ogg SFX just fine. Obviously though, a vanilla-friendly method will also be the most universally-compatible one. In theory, though, it could handle anything between 1 Hz and 65535 Hz, so a typical 44100 Hz sound might well work (at the cost of considerably growing the WAD's size, of course), but if it doesn't, downgrading it to what I mentioned is almost sure to get it to work.
  12. Problem with Goodmerge is that while it's great for saving space, it's atrocious for actually playing the games. I've never liked Goodmerged sets for exactly that reason - rather than just throwing your file at it and go, you have to unzip all the damn files anyway, because virtually no emulator (if any?) out there will actually be able to read multiple files from a single zip file and let you pick which one out of it you want to load. Split sets might consume more space, but they sure as hell are basically just "ready to go." And with the advent of stuff like 7Zip being supported in more and more emulators, there's at least some space savings (since they never mass-adopted RAR due to it being a closed format, even though unRARing files was always public knowledge - only creating them is a secret).
  13. Whoops, SimCity 64 slipped by me. Yeah, 64DD games don't count since all those games are 64 MB disks. The point was still to impress that 64 MB carts were pretty friggin' rare though - really only EOL on the system. And I'm quite aware that you could fit all those games on a hard disk, though it sure as shit ain't 4 GB for a collection. A No-Intro set from 2014 is about 11 GB. Maybe it's 4 GB if you get just one region, but that doesn't count as a full collection for the system. I just find it amusing that technology has now advanced to the point you could do it on a chip the size of your fingernail. :P
  14. To be very clear here, while games DID reach 64 MB on the N64, very, very few games ever were that big. In fact, only five were - Conker's Bad Fur Day (most of the speech is MP3s!), Pokemon Stadium 2, Resident Evil 2, Sim City 64, and Majora's Mask. Apparently the PAL version of Paper Mario is also 64 MB, to accommodate the multiple languages. (The NTSC releases are about 40 MB.) The vast majority of N64 games (~80% of the library) were around 8-16 MB. If you'd like a proper breakdown: 32 Mb/4 MB: 8 64 Mb/8 MB: 89 96 Mb/12 MB: 116 (Quake and Quake II are in this category) 128 Mb/16 MB: 119 160 Mb/20 MB: 1 192 Mb/24 MB: 3 224 Mb/28 MB: 4 256 Mb/32 MB: 49 320 Mb/40 MB: 2 512 Mb/64 MB: 5 Fun fact: You could fit the entire collection of ROMs from every single region onto a single 32 GB Nintendo Switch gamecard with ease and still have plenty of GB to spare. Crazy times we live in. Q2 did not require it, but IIRC, having it rendered the game with better color depth and either resolution or framerate than if you did not have it. Super Shotgun will still do just fine overall. If you can sneak attack them, that does even more damage - especially since shields are really only from the front.
  15. Oh, you just need to download a PWAD, then you get all the Kick you want. ...What? Don't look at me like that. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
  16. Yeah, pretty sure Saturn Duke runs on the Powerslave engine, like Quake.
  17. I'm pretty sure Total Meltdown is using Build even on PS1, and that is part of the reason behind its atrocious performance.
  18. When the Doom community runs out of things to port Doom to, they just invent new things to port Doom to. Can't wait until someone figures out how to get the game running on some crusty 8-bit CPU like a Z80.
  19. Have you tried merging the sectors?
  20. In all fairness, I proposed this idea over 4 1/2 years ago. I struck before Ultimate Doom was hot. :P Also, good taste if you like Snax's stuff.
  21. Probably quite a few. Whether they would want anyone to know something personal about that like them is a whole other story.
  22. If you feel you want to take a stab at Tower of Babel, go for it. As I said, I plan to have an "outtakes" WAD in case multiple people submit the same map, because while I want only the best versions (as voted by those involved in the project) to go into the final WAD, neither do I want anyone dissuaded from a specific map, nor feeling like their work was wasted. So if you'd like to take a crack at it, by all means! The goal is to be as close to the map at least on a layout/exterior level as possible. What they look inside is up to the specific tastes of the designer, so it could be IWAD style or something far more meticulous.
  23. It's still effectively open. It's just never really reached a critical mass of enough people interested.
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