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Dark Pulse

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    Dark Pulse got a reaction from Tom2007 for a status update, I wasn't kidding, by the way. I tried adding the Delinquent to my Epic 7 friends list   
    I wasn't kidding, by the way. I tried adding the Delinquent to my Epic 7 friends list, but I can't because his own friends list is full. Impossible for me to let him otherwise add me, and enjoy my cadre of high-powered ML5s. (He will know what this term means.)
    I need to probe him further. I must find out WHICH Cermia he thirsts for. (He will also know what I mean by this.)
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    Dark Pulse reacted to Impboy4 for a status update, Alright, I'm gonna pull something that hopefully doesn't end up getting me booted off   
    Alright, I'm gonna pull something that hopefully doesn't end up getting me booted off of Doomworld. I need to debunk a statement issued by members of the GEC team.

    Recently they extracted the Quake 64 samples and music from the game for people to listen to and use.  However, they made a claim that the music reuses the same tracks as PSX Final Doom.

    My friend jdagenet and I checked one song in particular; "I'm the Soul Eater" which Gerardo claims it's the same as "Bells of Agony" from PSX Final Doom.  We loaded both songs up in FL Studio and this is the result:

    The top one is "I'm the Soul Eater" from Quake 64. The bottom is "Bells of Agony" from PSX Final Doom. No match in note patterns in either track.

    When we found out about this, we relayed it back to Gerardo to let him know.  The result was us getting booted off the GEC discord server for lying/trolling which we weren't, we just wanted to help not spread misinformation.  Now, I'm not asking to attack Gerardo or the GEC team, but I do ask for co-operation on correcting misinformation.
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    Dark Pulse got a reaction from Catpho for a status update, Not to be confused with Tony! Toni! Toné!   
    Not to be confused with Tony! Toni! Toné!
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    Dark Pulse got a reaction from Ray / Rey / Rae for a status update, Not to be confused with Tony! Toni! Toné!   
    Not to be confused with Tony! Toni! Toné!
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    Dark Pulse got a reaction from CyberDreams for a status update, Doomguy? In MY Granblue Fantasy? It's more likely than I think...   
    Doomguy? In MY Granblue Fantasy?

    It's more likely than I think...
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