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About JustCallMeKaito

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  1. Well then, time to have a seizure on the keyboard again until my password either summons the old ones or winds up as the name of a village in Wales.
  2. Press "T", that'll bring things back. As for the invisible wall, one of your sectors is probably borked and has a line that's referencing another sector. Look around with sector mode and see if any of the sectors stay highlighted even after your mouse is out of them.
  3. Map01 needs a LOT more ammo. Even conserving as much as possible and landing every shot, you have 0 bullets & shells once you get to the demons. I'd add at least 2 4x shotgun shells before the corridor, or move the chainsaw right at the entrance of the room along with a single 4x shot shell, as well as maybe a bit of extra health. The texturing around the map could use a bit of work as well. Bugs: The walls of the huts in the first room are 2-sided, meaning projectiles or bullets can just go right through them. The room with the fire pits has part of the fire pits & the front of the SSG platform marked as impassible while the other parts aren't for some reason. Map02's texturing is a vast improvement over Map01, but it still needs some work. Overall, it felt easier than the first map, but it kinda just felt like you included new enemies for the sake of just having new enemies regardless of the role they fill. Bugs: The elevator is a 1-and-done deal. If you back up because you see the chaingunner enemy, you're SOL. Also, it's marked as a secret for some reason. Nukage room's shotgunners are stuck in the walls and unable to do anything. The brown room with the baron has a missing texture on the south side of the stairs.
  4. May 5th, 2004: The first book in the Dexter series is released. November(?) 2004: The Art of Suffering is released. October 1st, 2006: The first season of the TV adaptation premieres as a loose adaptation of the first book. June 30th, 2013: The series finale airs. So I mean... If they can travel through time, then sure.
  5. Slaughter is like threading a needle. Kaizo is threading a needle, only now you have a guy named Jimbo who won't stop slapping you.
  6. Never expected to see a topic about Penders on DW. Don't know much about him suing anyone or vice versa, but I can sure as hell tell you why anyone sane would've cut ties with his ass long ago. Man doesn't just have twelve screws loose in his head, he's also a certified creep ass, and this garbage here isn't even the worst shit out of his mouth.
  7. Pistol, followed by the normal shotgun. Both are just useless the moment you get the chaingun / SSG.
  8. Some cunt made an NFT out of a youtuber who died of cancer back in 2015, started selling them a week or so ago. Even further back in July, a recently deceased artist had their art stolen and turned into NFTs. This NFT shit hasn't recently crossed the line, it's long since run 5 laps past the line of not fucking okay, and I doubt it'll get any less disgusting from here on out.
  9. Anything that isn't blind Keen hunting CBT or just getting lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. You're hiding a secret exit, not a corpse.
  10. Each class gets a total of 4 weapons, and they're far better than what you get in the beginning. Enemy wise, you get a few more projectile spitters, but you also get a few enemies that just reuse sprites. The level design and puzzles get more obtuse and demand you travel back & forth more. If you didn't enjoy the demo, then you'll probably not like what the rest of the game offers.
  11. I'll call it "Anxiety", and it'll be a 2 hour long film. It's set in a completely white space. An incredibly slowed down, deeper pitched, heavily distorted old timey song plays throughout the runtime, and there's an occasional 1 second audio clip that plays a voice that is staticy, but distorted and somewhat high pitched. A single black pixel on the screen can be seen at the start, but every time the audio plays, it starts to get bigger, as if it were coming closer. 10 minutes in, the thing that was just a pixel has become big enough to see that whatever the object is, it's blurred out, and it has an irregular, spindly shape. What is it? What does it mean? Does this film have some kind of deeper meaning to it? Now you're 40 minutes in, and the object starts moving around while getting closer. It's been 80 minutes, the audio clips are getting more frequent. 110 minutes have passed, whispering can be heard now, but it's not in any language known to man. Finally, the big reveal is here. What is this ungodly thing that's been causing an anxiety filled nightmare for 2 hours? It abruptly unblurs to reveal... A crudely drawn scribble that a 1 year old made. The jumble of lines resembles nothing at all, it's just pure nonsense. You just wasted 2 hours sitting in fear of a child's drawing. The screen cuts to black, and the last thing you hear as the film concludes is the reverb fart sound effect. Roll credits, give me oscars for art.
  12. Wait, aren't you the same guy who was creating a 200+ level wad just two days ago...?
  13. I've seen people saying Blood: Fresh Supply is pretty good, so...
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