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About Bites!

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  1. So I created long ago this project called Doom: Realm Español but I literally abandoned it but still has members and even fraggle itself so if you speak spanish and wanna get fun you're free to join and even still if you don't speak it its okay you are still free to join. All the server needs are some people to start fun since we used to have a lot multiplayer sesh about everything Here's the inv https://discord.gg/4U38TVXDWk I also I have an old stupid spanish video representing my server but idk if it's okay to put it here Like I said at the start theres not gonna be a such a big rush but once it gets members everything is gonna be fun so if you are interested give it a try I promise I will give my best to make the server amusing to everyone
  2. It has a nice backstory and hearing that from you means that is really good. Thank you :D
  3. There's a config file on gamebana that makes GZDoom look more classic https://gamebanana.com/games/396
  4. Thank you both. Thank you for the recommendations :D
  5. I've been bored for a long time and i was wondering if there is any team deathmatch out. I would appreciate very much if you share maps to play Gotem
  6. i can post a link of my discord group in my topic?

    1. fraggle
    2. Bites!


      Can you help me pls )':

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