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Gregory Stephens

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About Gregory Stephens

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  1. If we're talking about modded experiences, the Time-freeze Sphere from Skulltag. I'm a sufferer of True Slowness and I can't get very much done in short periods of time, imagine all the things you could get done if time would just slow the hell down.
  2. This is turning out so awesome. It is possible to make the FM sound more like the original DOS OPL music? If not it's fine, but that'd be pretty cool.
  3. Sweet Yukari Yakumo pfp. Very gud taste.

    1. Wavy


      Gap lady = Good lady

    2. DownloadTheseSweetViruses


      OMG HI1!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!11!!1!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!111

  4. This is amazing. Mick Gordon's music has me absolutely sold and I can't wait to be in possession of this magnificent work.
  5. Oh no fuck me. I thought this was a shitpost thread at first and then I looked it up on YouTube and it's actually fucking real. I'm kind of heartbroken and un-surprised they'd stoop this low, chalk it up to me trying to unlearn my past consoomerist care for a series that was long dead to me after Doom 3 since imho nuDoom as a whole just feels extremely corporate and disgusting to me and an extreme caricature and misunderstanding of the classic Doom games.
  6. In-game WAD downloading? It feels like this is something Skulltag/Zandronum wanted to do in the past but never did, at least from. Really happy to see a relatively highly faithful client/server based port come so far over the years while taking in some nice amenities we've enjoyed in the other ones.
  7. Oh no wach out its the skari monster 'heha!'

    1. Gregory Stephens

      Gregory Stephens

      I know of one Gregory Stephensh... Black gentleman, who'sh son never paid me... i-is that you?

  8. She looks like the upstanding well-mannered young lady who would do well at her job as a butcher at the deli section of a grocery store.
  9. https://discord.gg/EmeKR9e Made this permanent with no limit on the uses, just in case.
  10. You know, I just remembered something. Say you have an Xbox Live account or Microsoft account or whatever with the original XBLA Dooms, or the BFG Edition versions. Either that or you have a PlayStation Network account with Doom Classic Complete, do you get the Unity Port versions for free? I think it'd only be fair as to my current present knowledge you're no longer able to download/purchase those versions.
  11. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/DOOM-IT I really liked this frontend when I first played the Master Levels for it's time and I can't find any information on it's author Chris Badger. I know there's probably superior DOS frontends out there but I'd love to see if we could get this open sourced or something for modern WAD packs and stuff for us DOS and vanilla enthusiasts and the likes.
  12. Nice dude. Is this on real hardware? Any chance of playing GEC's PSX Doom Master Edition? If you do the swap trick it's pretty easy to get it going, if not you could use GameShark or Action Replay to get around copy protection or something. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/101161-gec-master-edition-psx-doom-for-the-playstation-1102019-beta-3-release-now-are-you-ready-for-more-action/
  13. I totally identify with that Arch-Vile in your avatar.

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