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About Zolgia108

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  1. Please try my latest tc called ismo's quest for gzdoom:

    It takes place in a Scandinavian home where the protagonist is you, Ismo.
    Ismo's heart is set on a captivating quest: the retrieval of his older brother's
    coveted Ben 10 toy collection. This quest unfolds while their parents are away,
    attending to errands and chores. As you embark on this whimsical journey, be
    prepared to navigate a series of intricately designed rooms, each brimming with
    puzzles and challenges that must be conquered to bring Ismo closer to his
    ultimate goal.

    The majority of ideas originate from my children.


  2. thanks :) that was my first attempt, i still remember when i scratched my head so much to make that happen :P Also, since the exit is the front door did you know that you could simply press it from above and end the map in about 3 seconds? Doom limits i guess! Try this one when you have time, i would really appreciate it, it keeps me strong and wanting to do more
  3. I loved this gameplay, project brutality is awesome and i am glad it worked well. I don't care if it was cheating with ammo and health, i even managed to kill you at one point hahahah I hope you enjoyed the map, thanks a lot!
  4. Thanks for trying it! No big deal yet, still deciding if to go for a mapset, in that case treat this as slot2, slot 1 being an intro with a sort of "runaway" from archies, then you basically go inside a tomb and then the journey underground begins. Nothing too fancy. Again, thanks for trying the map, appreciate it!
  5. fixed some glitches here and there after some more testing and now map01 should be working properly. I would like to hear a couple of feedbacks before moving on ;) Is there any courageous soul out there willing to try this small map? thanks
  6. i am sorry i had to (rage)quit, but i totally feel you. I remember when i used Zcops in a couple of maps in Djinn, they were so unfair that it was impossible to understand which kind of resources you had to give the player in order to make it doable. Problem is not the map itself (from what i saw till i stopped playing it was well built), problem is the frustration. Good thing though is that you told us in advance hahaahha Anyway, i think that you need to use the powerups from realm667 and not just the monsters, and then maybe, just maybe, everything will be better :) have a nice one!
  7. yea i ll take it very easy this time, map is still unfinished but i felt the urge to give the community a small sign that i am still alive :P It will obviously be polished as i will hear a couple of (probably negative) feedbacks! Thanks for the kind words, have a nice one!
  8. Hey there! Since i saw some random ups to Djinn i decided to enter the tunnel once more and i started mapping again after 3 long years. This is just the first level (which will occupy slot 02) of a set that i intend to build as a prelude to Djinn. I basically would like to end the trilogy. Of course i still have no clue on how many i will make and i also completely forgot how to map at all! I intend to keep it easy and avoid what i was doing with Happy in terms of gameplay, returning to a more basic Djinn style. The wad will talk about Snail and his painful path to madness, which later led him into suicide with Djinn and inner peace with Happy. Monsters have custom sprites taken from the net, but they have the same stats, there will be a couple of custom monsters throughout the wad. Shouldn't take too long to complete it :) File size is big cause it has all the resources i'll need for the rest of the wad :) PS: forgot the port - GZ difficulties: hmp and UV link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0mdnlcewtpmlxk9/Didgeridoom Map01.wad?dl=0
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0mp6qubromqu574/AAAD2v0ZUib5hFd8yDhkuPFba?dl=0 here it is, it's a very big file because of some mp3 and a lot of mess that i did with the textures, also because of the custom monsters. Sorry for that, they are my very first maps. Well, it is what it is! I would be happier if you'd play Happy btw :) Have a nice one
  10. you could have just sent me a pm and i would have given you the link :) I am not sure if i feel ok with the link being public since i decided to send it privately, but i guess i don't care too much anymore. Have a nice one!
  11. the map was great, the pace was great, loved it PS: i second the exit problem, put at least a sign somewhere, and if you want to create a sort of "timer" maybe place a blocked baron in front of it or something similar (even a switch works fine), then a player2 moves and starts the timer to lower the pillar and show the exit, so that you won't be able to cheese it too much but you won't make us scratch our heads too much after such a good progression :)
  12. I was too busy playing to notice texture misalignments (i am not one of those) but yes i noticed the toxic floor for example, but those are easily fixed, just ask a few playtester to record the maps and you will notice what to do in order to publish it, there are a few out there that i think would gladly do this for you mate :)
  13. played map 1 till 6, i think this a very well done wad. Enjoyable, old style traps and fantastic progression so far! I love your style Keep it up mate! Old school always wins
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