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About JadingTsunami

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  1. Generally speaking, that doesn't work very well. You will get bleedover unless you can tightly control your nodebuilder's output. It does depend on what you're trying to do in specific. If you just want some midtextures and you can put them outside the self-referencing sector, or create a set of self-referencing sectors instead of one contiguous one, those might be solutions.
  2. During the "prework" phase, a lot; palettes I thought would work just plain don't, textures that look good in the editor look awful in game, traps and setups are more annoying than I thought, etc. During the "grind" phase, probably around 20% gets cut due to refinements but I mostly have an idea of where I want things to go. In the "polishing" phase, very little gets cut, mainly because I do this as a hobby and I don't enjoy re-doing huge portions that are already serviceable.
  3. IWAD detection is not so much an exact science. In your case, most likely you have less than 31 maps. Therefore your IWAD is detected as "not Doom 2" and UMAPINFO will interpret that to mean ExMy format maps are expected. If you add, say, 32 maps (even "dummy" maps with no content), see if the error goes away. Note you need to supply actual maps, not just the UMAPINFO definitions.
  4. Why is it "ruined"? Sorry if this is obvious; it didn't translate for me.
  5. I received a request to merge in some changes to how the mouse movement works in this port. If anyone is interested or concerned, please try them out and see if you like this change or dislike it. Make sure to back up your config file first: these changes will overwrite how mouse sensitivity works (it will be much finer-grained). To get your old settings back, copy your old config file over. A test copy is attached for anyone interested in trying it out. vs_win32.zip
  6. Not all ports support complevels, like Graf mentioned above. The proposal needs to address that.
  7. I'm not actually sure why the lump doesn't specify the complevel explicitly (or at least allow the option). Using text substitutions for the numbers seems like it was made for user-friendliness, but I don't see why an explicit number couldn't work too.
  8. Only as information: "PR" in this context means "Pull Request." A pull request is a request for someone to merge code that you've written into their repository (to "pull it into" their code base). The actions you're seeing there are automated build checks against pull requests to ensure the new, proposed code didn't break anything. Often these checks are prerequisites for merging new code into the code base (it's a sensible precaution).
  9. It shouldn't. That option should only affect whether or not the "wipe" effect (where the screen melts downward during transitions like from the main menu or between levels) is captured in the output video or not.
  10. And I would also recommend finally fixing A_LineEffect code where the bug originated. It's not commonly used at the moment, but why leave broken behavior in place?
  11. It's common to believe the player is going to be as invested in your storyline as you are. They never are. Crashing/hanging your computer is not fun. No one finds this fun. It does not matter if it makes sense to you in the storyline because you're not the target audience. Your player is. That said I realized a way you could do it. But I don't want to help with this, sorry.
  12. No. It is not possible (for good reason) to exit the game from a script. Options of what you could do: - Warp the player to a "punishment box" with no way to continue - Jump to an "end game" screen with a discouraging message - Spawn unkillable enemies to swarm the player And so on.
  13. Correct. There will be a small visible judder when using silent teleports in uncapped framerate modes. Many mappers funnel the player into a narrow or dark space so visual inputs are limited during the jump, which can minimize the effect and make it less or unnoticeable.
  14. It is indeed a "!ml"-suffixed detection. Good find. See: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2771023
  15. In traditional Doom and most of its derivative ports, the Partial Invisibility sphere adds random spread to enemy attacks. The Doom Wiki has a good breakdown of the behavior. In ZDoom ports, idle enemies also won't alert when the player is in their line-of-sight. They still react to sound, though. "Stealth" sections are possible but rely on the player not bumping into monsters and not making any sounds. The Partial Invisibility powerup doesn't help there. If you want a stealth section with a time-limiting component, you might consider using the Light Amplification Visor instead. In that case, you would make it so the player can only see how to avoid the monsters if they have the visor.
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