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About boom_compatible

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  1. Aapparently this problem with monsters not staying in closets and walking around in the void is caused by this: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Blockmap_overflow bad blockmap =/
  2. The same problem as on map 21 with the monsters that should be caged occurs on map 25. The interesting thing is that it only happens with the sectors to the east of the map. with the sectors with monsters to the north, the monsters remain caged as they should.
  3. ^^^ this happens with some source ports it seems to be something with a very large distance placing the monster sectors closer to line 7 seems to solve this problem
  4. O Kurwa!!! We will play this fantastic WAD TODAY (2024-06-06, 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT) on TNS <--- ZDaemon The effect of the wódka together with the randomness of the multiplayer will hit hard after a few maps, bringing abundant happiness and fun! Come and join us! \o/
  5. This map uses mikoportal so the source port you use has to support it. Otherwise, different problems will occur (the voodoo doll won't walk... or the barrel won't explode... or things like that)
  6. I just know that the problem occurs when activating line 376. The construction of the staircase should not be active in these sectors... who knows the alien reason for this.
  7. (beta 3) Very nice maps! I'm on map09 and I saw that someone forgot line 1670 with tag 0... this creates some visual problems and I don't know if that was the intention Looking forward to the other maps! o/ edit:
  8. Congratulations on the fantastic wad! We are playing in coop and have encountered some issues:
  9. Really cool maps that gave me a bit of PTSD!!! I recommend play it a second time on mute to increase the tension even more =p Only a few minor problems were encountered:
  10. My first contact was with doom shareware that was distributed in magazines in Brazil (a 1994 CD EXPERT magazine). I played countless hours with my younger brother where we shared the keyboard for a strange co-op mode (he had the CTRL and spacebar keys and I had the arrow keys and the strafe). That's when I learned how to create a DOS boot disc to play DOOM and other games. so, modifying autoexec.bat and config.sys became a sport for me =p 486 DX4-100 processor with 8MB RAM + 540MB IDE HDD and yes, I still have it, it's fully functional! (It's been running on 48MB of RAM for a while now)
  11. A few weeks ago, I went on your YT channel (again) and saw w3.11 vs w98 via udpsetup! wonderful! good job!!! o/
  12. A good WAD like Kinda! Only a few minor problems were encountered:
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