Yeah I do this sometimes, not with Doom II but rather random wads on /idgames. It's really rewarding when you manage to go all the way to the end without saving.
Yeah, it's perfectly fine to submit GZDoom demos for GZDoom wads. Just make sure to state the version in the text file and compflags if you've changed those.
What frustrates me is how fragile BJ is, any enemy other than dogs can kill him in just two shots from full health if you're unlucky. In Doom, the only enemy able to kill a fully kitted player in just two shots is the strongest boss, the Cyberdemon, so it feels a lot more fair in that regard.
Category: 1
Difficulty: HNTR
Survived in 2:13:32
Was a tic away from being Good at DoomTM close to the end, but managed to go all the way :)
I wouldn't recommend this nowadays, at best it's placeboware and at worst it may do damage to the system that's not easily solvable unless you know what you're doing.