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  1. These two wads replace vanilla Doom and Doom2 maps that I don't like with the ones I like better from the Doom the Way Id Did wads (dtwid, dtwid-le, d2twid). I also replaced the Icon of Sin level with Zap30 (UNCONDITIONAL ELIMINATION). This creates a better play-through experience for me, and I thought someone else might enjoy it. README for zpdoom: zpdoom - zmodder's Personal (Ultimate) Doom This mod replaces Ultimate Doom's bad levels, according to zmodder's personal taste, with maps mainly from dtwid and dtwid-le. "Bad" is a pretty low bar here, in the sense that it's both bad-looking and unenjoyable to play. E1M4 (Command Control) -> dtwid-le E1M4 (Quaratine Zone) E2M3 (Refinary) -> dtwid-le E2M3 (Infirmary) E2M5 (Command Center) -> dtwid E2M5 (Deimos Command) E2M7 (Spawning Vats) -> dtwid E2M7 (Ore Processing) E2M9 (Fortress of Mystery) -> dtwid E2M9 (Nebulous Origins) E3M3 (Pandemonium) -> dtwid-le E3M3 (Necromanteion) E3M5 (Unholy Cathedral) -> dtwid E3M5 (Chapel of Scorn) E3M7 (Limbo) -> dtwid-le E3M7 (Sheol's Descent) E3M8 (Dis) -> dtwid E3M8 (Core) E4M3 (Sever the Wicked) -> dtwid-le E4M3 (Despair) E4M4 (Unruly Evil) -> dtwid E4M4 (Unclean Spirits) E4M5 (They Will Repent) -> dtwid E4M5 (Doctrines of Devils) This mod was made with Slade3 for picking the maps and WadMerge for merging TEXTURE lumps. DEMO1 (E1M5) , DEMO2 (E2M2) and DEMO4 (E4M2) were copied from Ultimate Doom, while I recorded DEMO3 (E3M5). README for zpdoom2: zpdoom2 - zmodder's Personal Doom2 This mod replaces Doom2's bad levels, according to zmodder's personal taste, with maps mainly from d2twid. "Bad" is a pretty low bar here, in the sense that it's both bad-looking and unenjoyable to play. The Icon of Sin map is replaced with zap30 (Unconditional Elimination) which is more battle intensive rather than a rythm game or puzzle as in original Doom2 and d2twid. MAP05 (The Waste Tunnels) -> d2twid MAP03 (Water Main) MAP12 (The Factory) -> d2twid MAP12 (The Shipyard) MAP16 (Suburbs) -> d2twid MAP16 (Cul-de-sac) MAP19 (The Citadel) -> d2twid MAP19 (Bedlam) MAP21 (Nirvana) -> d2twid MAP21 (Passage to Exile) MAP23 (Barrels o' Fun) -> d2twid MAP23 (The Crucible) MAP24 (The Chasm) -> d2twid MAP24 (Crushed Spirits) MAP25 (Bloodfalls) -> d2twid MAP25 (Dead Sea) MAP27 (Monster Condo) -> d2twid MAP27 (The Bloodwash) MAP28 (The Spirit World) -> d2twid MAP28 (Abyss) MAP30 (Icon of Sin) -> zap30 MAP30 # I kept the Doom2 map name This mod was made with Slade3 for picking the maps, and WadMerge for merging the TEXTURE lumps. DEMO1 (MAP11) and DEMO3 (MAP26) were copied from Doom2, while DEMO2 was copied from dtwid DEMO3 (MAP23). zpdoom2.zip zpdoom.zip
  2. I had the same issue. My solution is to load the "Nostalgia Arsenal addon" for freedoom (https://www.moddb.com/games/freedoom/addons/nostalgia-arsenal) as the last wad to overwrite the weapon sprites.
  3. The difficulty is quite high, but this mod looks beautiful! Just being nitpicking, I find the original Doom monster sprites a little out of place in this cyberpunk world. The freedoom sprites blends in this mod quite nicely. Just try running it with freedoom2.wad as the iwad.
  4. I made a UMAPINFO to have the proper inter-episode texts and end-game (instead of progressing to Doom2 MAP13) on PrBoom-plus "um" earthless_pr_umapinfo.zip
  5. I have long heard that many maps, especially the ones from the original Doom and Doom2, are tailored to pistol start. That kind of makes sense because the designers probably wanted to make sure the maps are still beatable without having to load a previous save after player dies. I didn't take it seriously until I found that both crispy-doom and prboom-plus now support the "-pistolstart" command line option, which provides a fluent experience for pistol starters. Now I am playing Doom with that option, and that's refreshing! I become more appreciative of weapon placing, e.g., the shotgun at the start of E2M2 wouldn't make sense without pistol start. E2M9 is now more fun. I used to be quite conservative with ammo consumption and as a result I (1) tended to use less effective weapons just because of its ammo abundance and (2) conserved too much ammo so that subsequent levels would become a cake walk. Now knowing I will always enter the next level with a clean slate, I care less about conservation and there is actually more fun. Levels also become more interesting and challenging.
  6. I have been playing it because 1) it supports mods and 2) it supports linux.
  7. This is a minimal gameplay change to make Doom3 BFG Edition more balanced and more realistic. I have been playing with this mod for quite a while. I thought I'd share it here in case someone also find it useful. Features More useful armor: absorbs 50% of damage instead of 20% Slightly more useful shotguns: less spread so more powerful at medium range. Rebalanced super shotgun so that while it has more spread, it produces 25% more projectiles than two shotgun shots. Realistic weapon reloading. The reloading mechanism of the modern FPS is not also unrealistic as it merges the remaining ammo in real time, but also repetitive and triggers obsession. I find it more fun to play without preemptive reloading. Allow reloading only when clip is empty (except shotgun) Shotgun reloads one shell at a time (instead of two) Realistic and more balanced ammo pickups. Doom3 BFG increased the ammo supplied by almost all pickups, resulting in a serious oversupply and threw off gameplay balance. The mod reverted such change to be more consistent with the original Doom3. Pickup sizes are consistent with weapon clip sizes and pickup models. Also adjusted some weapons' clip sizes to avoid over-supply of ammo: Reduce machinegun clip size from 60 to 30 because there are just too much ammo supply. All machinegun large clip pickups (45) are changed to small (30). Reduce plasma gun clip size from 50 to 25 to be consistent with the original Doom3. Clip size of 50 also results in too much supply. How to use Because the original BFG executable doesn't support modding, you have to use a sourceport such as RBDOOM-3-BFG. Extract zgameplay.zip into the BFG installation folder where the "base" folder is, so that "zgameplay" and "base" folders are side by side. To start, add "+set fs_game zgameplay +set fs_resourceLoadPriority 0" to the command line. It also comes with an optional autoexec.cfg that's suitable for low-end computers that don't handle the default graphics setting. To use it, rename optional_autoexec.cfg to autoexec.cfg. The source code is at https://github.com/zmodder/doom3-bfg-zgameplay zgameplay.zip
  8. Hmm, I just realized this forum is for classic Doom. I am going to repost it in the Doom3 forum. I can't figure out how to delete it here, so moderator please feel free to do so. Sorry for the noise.
  9. This is a minimal gameplay change to make Doom3 BFG Edition more balanced and more realistic. I have been playing with this mod for quite a while. I thought I'd share it here in case someone also find it useful. Features More useful armor: absorbs 50% of damage instead of 20% Slightly more useful shotguns: less spread so more powerful at medium range. Rebalanced super shotgun so that while it has more spread, it produces 25% more projectiles than two shotgun shots. Realistic weapon reloading. The reloading mechanism of the modern FPS is not also unrealistic as it merges the remaining ammo in real time, but also repetitive and triggers obsession. I find it more fun to play without preemptive reloading. Allow reloading only when clip is empty (except shotgun) Shotgun reloads one shell at a time (instead of two) Realistic and more balanced ammo pickups. Doom3 BFG increased the ammo supplied by almost all pickups, resulting in a serious oversupply and threw off gameplay balance. The mod reverted such change to be more consistent with the original Doom3. Pickup sizes are consistent with weapon clip sizes and pickup models. Also adjusted some weapons' clip sizes to avoid over-supply of ammo: Reduce machinegun clip size from 60 to 30 because there are just too much ammo supply. All machinegun large clip pickups (45) are changed to small (30). Reduce plasma gun clip size from 50 to 25 to be consistent with the original Doom3. Clip size of 50 also results in too much supply. How to use Because the original BFG executable doesn't support modding, you have to use a sourceport such as RBDOOM-3-BFG. Extract zgameplay.zip into the BFG installation folder where the "base" folder is, so that "zgameplay" and "base" folders are side by side. To start, add "+set fs_game zgameplay +set fs_resourceLoadPriority 0" to the command line. It also comes with an optional autoexec.cfg that's suitable for low-end computers that don't handle the default graphics setting. To use it, rename optional_autoexec.cfg to autoexec.cfg. The source code is at https://github.com/zmodder/doom3-bfg-zgameplay zgameplay.zip
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