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Agent Strange

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About Agent Strange

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  1. I'm not sure what to think with regards to multiplayer. Ideally, we'd get the whole the full deal. Deathmatch, campaign co-op, horde mode, maybe even the Invasions mode that Eternal was going to have. Modern Doom just hasn't managed to stick the landing in this regard and the market is already oversaturated. Having to be mindful of Halo and COD is a new factor that they have to contend with on top of that. Right now, I'm leaning towards iD focusing on a PVE experience as I think that has the best chance at long-term success.
  2. I like where your head's at, Grungo. I'm not sure how well it would work out, but I love Classic Fallout and wouldn't mind seeing it get a Doom makeover.
  3. I wonder if the dragon has a name. Daisy 2: Draconic Boogaloo
  4. I appreciate Hugo clarifying that Dark Ages was a Doom game from the beginning and not a Quake title that got rebranded. If Dark Ages does well, I can see them using the metrics to justify going all-in on Quake. The entertainment industry as a whole is becoming more risk-averse and while I like Quake Champions, it obviously failed to achieve to what it was set out to do. I can imagine the powers that be looking at the IP with some trepidation as a result. Dark Ages doing well can help elevate those concerns and maybe even reduce costs if they reuse assets. Like others have mentioned though, the comments that Hugo made regarding projectiles and map exploration has me excited. Really seems like their going for a Classic feel this time around which is great to see. I love 2016 and Eternal, and I can understand there being some temptation to just reiterate on that formula some more, but to go back and start from scratch is very commendable. Like even the imp looks like the OG version with its power stance. Love it.
  5. Oh, I missed that detail. I guess I should've said "traditional" sci-fi. Either way, I'm excited but like others have said, I think the fantasy stuff should be saved for Quake.
  6. Looks really cool. Loving the skull grinder weapon in particular. That said, I hope this is a one-game detour into a medieval inspired setting and that future titles go back to the franchise's sci-fi roots. I can see id using this as a testbed for a new Quake title. Reusing stuff made from this game could help reduce time and money for such a venture. Hopefully we'll get an extended gameplay trailer at QuakeCon.
  7. Link to the article in question https://deadline.com/2024/05/doom-guy-life-in-first-person-documentary-drama-john-romero-quake-wolfenstein-1235944457/
  8. The news surrounding DOOM: The Dark Ages finally got me to get off my butt and make a scripted video. The first third is a summary of what we, middle third is the Slayer's Testaments with key parts highlighted, last third is my thoughts on what the game will be like.
  9. It was mentioned during the id 33rd anniversary stream that Hellion would be a 32-map megawad. Not sure of the exact timestamp but it was near the beginning. Twitch VOD
  10. I think it's pretty cool. The maps get a little too samey towards the end, but I really like everything else. It's Doom but with a spookier twist.
  11. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if QC was internally referred to as Quake 5 until they settled on the "Champions" moniker. At the same time, internal naming conventions shouldn't be taken all that seriously. If we're getting a new Quake game out of the deal then who cares.
  12. Template if anyone wants to mess around with it. https://imgur.com/a/Tzbb1hQ
  13. The only Doom related dream I've ever had was a couple years ago where I dreamt about what Eternal's gameplay reveal would look like. It was on Earth and there was a Metal Gear lookin' type mech or something roaming around.
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