Much appreciate those of you who've checked the mod out! I haven't just fired and forgotten, i've just been on vacation and taking a little break. I return now with a small-ish update that primarily changes the weapons to give them more clearly defined roles, as i realised i might as well try diverging a little further from vanilla while still trying to keep the feel of it. I've essentially doubled down on the SSG being a close range weapon (and a bit less of a dominant force outside of that) and the chaingun being crazy good at stunlocking, with the pistol now having a role as the most ammo-efficient boolet shooter on top of working at all ranges. It's still a lot weaker than all your other firearms, though. :V
On top of that, the plasma rifle and rocket launcher now have new shiny alt fires! The plasma rifle alt fire has a much lower rate of fire, but fires faster and more powerful shots that don't cause recoil, primarily useful for longer ranges, ammo conservation and generally situations where the recoil is annoying. The rocket launcher, in a move that probably doesn't surprise anyone, can now launch bouncy grenades that can go through teleporters, in order to give you a tool to deal with teleporters that yeet you directly in front of a pile of enemies.
New version is in the main post!
- Particle colours now use proper hex numbers
- Increased pistol damage from 10 to 15, slightly increased spread of pistol primary fire from 4 to 4.5
- Increased chaingun RoF by 33%, reduced damage from 10 to 9; 20% increased DPS in total, but uses more ammo
- Removed chaingun tapping, sorry :< (logic being that the chaingun being your best sniper now overlaps with the shotgun, completely invalidates the pistol and just feels odd in general)
- Reduced shotgun pickup ammo value from 8 to 6 (so 4 to 3 from shotgunner drops)
- Improved shotgun slug particles, probably
- Added alt fire to rocket launcher; fires a bouncing grenade that can go through teleporters
- Added alt fire to plasma rifle; fires faster and stronger shots at a much slower rate, and doesn't recoil
- Changed SSG behaviour; pellets deal 8 damage each like the regular shotgun (20x8 for 160 damage), but the close range hitscan (which is 110 units long) now deals 70 damage on top, making it worse at longer ranges but better up close
- Fixed rocket launcher (and thus probably also cyberdemon rockets) being able to make other monsters pissed at the enemy you hit directly. Fun tech for future usage, though :V
- Cyberdemon now has a pain threshold of 20 damage, meaning only your stronger weapons (SSG blast only at close range) can cause pain and, more critically in MAP20, makes it not a complete pushover to the big spider :V
i still don't know how to make convenient collapsible content thingies sorry