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haruko haruhara

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About haruko haruhara

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  1. Do you have alternate links to the pages on Internet Archive that got removed?

  2. Seems like I forgot to return the favour. Don't worry, I am only a couple of years late or so! My usual fashion, cheers!.

  3. I am losing interest or I'm taking a break from it because I realized I'm not really a guy who would play games I'm more interested in anime and electronic music like Nightcore and vocaloid n such I also really like gacha life now too I hate to make someone cringe but it's just who I am now I'm not sure if I will return making mods for doom or Playing them if I do play them it will be once In awhile and it will not go on my first channel it will be on my channel called zandroguy2002 so just like other people who left I actually have a reason not because someone made me out as a fool or a bad person it's because I have new hobbies back then I only played doom and serious Sam nothing else btw if you want to get in touch with me here's my discord contact and Facebook profile I will not be logging out of the site just in case if I return Discord contact Kinotsu_Kochirumi#5843 Facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/kinotsu.kochirumi See you guys around!
  4. https://sites.google.com/view/wadhost/chaosunleashed_wads?authuser=0 Rename the file to [L] since bitbucket is a bitch when it comes to stuff like [ but glad I could help! Hellfire devision v1.1 I think I downloaded it when it first came out!
  5. So does anyone have any VHS tapes worth of either PS1 PS2 or original Xbox games since what I'm mostly interested in is just PS2 and original Xbox. Recently I went through my older Brothers tapes and I found this one called games on the label so I thought since I have at least 8 blank tapes I thought I could record Xbox or PS2 games such as serious Sam and serious Sam the next encounter recorded off the console Into the tape it was fun but the best part is you can keep it and watch it years later and remember of how good or you suck at a game. You don't have to show whats on the tapes unless if you want to just show what the name is or the list of games on it btw it can be any game system not just the ones I mentioned.
  6. not to be rude but am i not allowed to make separate topics anymore just curious because i wanted my RC Yetter one to be in its own topic because now when i make a update about me trying to hunt more info on them i mean the band wise no one has followed this topic yet. edit: nevermind 8 people have followed it.
  7. Well my favorites are RC Yetter and Riviera Paradise and vertical Horizon Go and Stellastarr harmonies for the haunted and Daughtry's first 2 albums What about yours?
  8. Also I'm wondering if somebody could Corp these to look like the Amazon listing for Riviera paradise case I just want these for now because I find this CD rare even tho no disc. It's Live at the peppermint lounge
  9. I'm currently recording RC Yetter and Riviera paradise cda format right now I will post it in 1 hour since I think it's 59 mins and oh I forgot to mention I got it as a gift at Easter day it has a see through case and it has pictures of Yetter inside the case I will show you the disc and case 1st pic https://ibb.co/SKYhd0M 2nd pic https://ibb.co/yk5335J 3rd pic https://ibb.co/qJyxNbJ Btw that disc is what I am currently recording.
  10. Hello guys back again today with some News about me trying to find CDs of R.C. Yetter Band, on April the 11th this year I was over at grandma's house while I was browsing eBay I searched up rc Yetter and Riviera paradise CD on the site and sort it to time nearly listed first and there is was on the day I looked it was going for 56.57$ in dollars and cents in total it was 70 dollars in taxes it was in good shape and such I hope and I hope it was no scam I hope it has the real disc if it does I will let all you guys know once it comes in it might arrive after Easter or sooner who knows it only had the stock photo of the CD cover art and accordingly to the positive feedback was 98.4 I hope it's a good sign not sure if it was 98.4 or not but if it does work CD I mean I will record it in high quality if I can I would do anything to honor Yetter's work I will even record the tracks separately on my music collection YouTube channel too let's hope it will arrive safely I also wouldn't mind having the R.C. Yetter Band live at the peppermint lounge too but I'm still searching for it, just thought I'd share this with everyone.
  11. Hey irod54 I been a huge fan of this megawad since I found the jth.wad in the scoredoom wad collection but say is this a sequel to the wad or it's the same maps but improved? I also have jthfix and jthv3 if I remember correctly tho And I have Timothy browns edit v2 Edit: me and a friend played this wad the original version jth.wad with AEons of death version 4 this was a long time ago but it was fun!
  12. So i thought to make a discord server about the rc yetter band since their was a facebook group that for some reason declined my invite, so its also about trying to hunt down their cds and the other blues rock bands like Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray, join if you wanna. R.C. Yetter And Riviera Paradise Fan Server https://discord.gg/jZQRcXY3r7
  13. i forgot my megathread was a thing i'm so sorry i will not do this again i hope.
  14. I am planning maybe doing something like that underrated mappack the journey to hell map pack but they can be a mix of uac bases or some or alot of hell maps or a few tech bases but I don't know if midis is a theme I don't really like death metal I only like alt rock and a few classic rock like van Halen and matalica and rush and a honorable mention the r.c. Yetter band. But thanks for the criticism through.
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