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About ReaperAA

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    It will soon be a wasteland!!!
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  1. Oh. Well thanks for correcting me. I don't why I thought the Durandal was only added in xbla. Yeah, they dropped the 2 in xbla.
  2. What gave it away for me was not the lack of !Zone name, but the "Marathon 2: Durandal". Marathon 2 never had the Durandal in mentioned its title until the XBLA version.
  3. I quite like RF1 and even RF2 (2 is one of my guilty pleasure games I'll admit). But to be really really objective about them, neither are close to the best games of even their time period. RF1 is a very Half-life 1 inspired game and you can see that in various aspects, such as the ingame weapon hud, interaction with NPCs, tutorial, level design, boss fight with the trash bot and what not. But it doesn't get quite there and the level design + gameplay balance also goes down the further you progress through the campaign. The mercenary enemies are imbalanced AF if you are playing the game on anything higher than easy difficulty and the railgun mercs in particular as infamous for being capable of 1-shotting you even on easy. Shameless plug, but I made a balance mod to try to address some of the issues: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=6306 Despite the issues, I still recommend to give RF1 a shot as it is a decent game. I also highly recommend to try out the Kava campaign mod, which is a sequel to base RF1's story and has better flow: https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=5837 As for RF2, it borrowed elements from Halo, such as dedicated grenade button and regenerating health, but it when it comes to designing encounters, it seemed to have borrowed all the wrong lessons. Since you regenerate health and enemies generally do high damage on hard difficulty, you will find yourself constantly having to hide behind cover before going further. It's funny that it actually somewhat feels like a Call of Duty campaign before the MW era CoD campaigns. I still enjoy occasionally booting up the game for botmatches and stuff, but only because I have nostalgia for it (i didn't play RF1 until years after RF2). I doubt most would enjoy it today.
  4. Texturing misalignments aside, I do like the palette and artstyle of the game. Coupled with the ambience, I think the game has great aesthetics, especially among all of the pre-Build engine fps games. Now I personally love Hexen, but it has some real flaws. The 2 big ones being: Combat is kind of lackluster. Not just when compared against Doom, but probably even when compared against Heretic. There are some interesting enemies in there, but they are not used in intelligent ways. Also while there are 3 classes, each of them only has 4 weapons and only manage 2 ammo types. The puzzles are often press switches in different maps, which give the message "1/Xth of the puzzle has been solved". Hexen 2 did a much better job in this aspect (but then Hexen 2 has the Egyptian Hub which is cryptic as heck). Deathkings also does a better job in this aspect, but that too has other issues.
  5. Now, obviously there's no direct comparison for some/many of the enemies since the enemies in both games are very different. I will try to group them together roughly in terms of their threat and their type of attack/movement pattern. Assault trooper = Zombieman, Imp Assault captain = Imp, Shotgunner Pig Cop = Shotgunner, Chaingunner (it's behavior is like shotgunner, but threat level is closer to Chaingunner) Enforcer = Chaingunner Octabrain = Cacodemon (but if you have devastator, then they are more like flying imps) RPV Pig Cop = Cacodemon (the closest I could think of) Pig Cop Tank = Mancubus, Arachnotron (closest equivalent threat level enemies I could think of) Protozoid slimer = Lost Soul Protozoid slimer egg = Lost Soul (not pain elemental, since it only hatches once. This makes it distinctly different) Sentry drone = Cacodemon, Lost Soul (closest enemies I could think of. Still very different) Assault commander = Mancubus, Baron of Hell (still very different but whatever) Protector Drone = Revenant (only because of some similarities like fast speed, their projectile having a chance to be fatal, but they both resort to melee attacks at close range) Battlelord sentry = Archvile (in term of health and general threat level, but otherwise they are closer to SMM in behavior) Battlelord = SMM Overlord = Cyberdemon Cycloid Emperor = Cyberdemon Alien Queen = IoS Interesting thread though. Makes me want to do one myself for other games.
  6. You made very good points. I have some nostalgia for the OG Modern Warfare trilogy, but the lack of agency and the lack of resource management in singleplayer campaign was evident to me even back then. Didn't bother me back then, but after getting back into the retro fps games, those things stick out pretty badly.
  7. I think a future Mayhem should have the theme of Hamburgers And be called MayHAM.
  8. Don't know who wrote this, but the information definitely is not correct. As dpJudas mentioned, the telemetry is always opt-in and the versions which contain this is also announced.
  9. Lets look at the conditions: 1st condition says that for any 3 demons, there must be 2 who are different from each other. Thus we can't have all 3 demons be of same type. This means that there can be a maximum of 2 of each demon type in the map. 2nd condition states that for any 4 demons, there must be 2 demons who are of the same type. Thus there can only be a maximum of 3 types of demons in the map, since adding a 4th type would violate the rule. Thus we get the equation: Number of demons per type x Number of types = 2 x 3 = 6 The answer is 6.
  10. This is the first time I have seen an image of this game and boy does it look wild. Not a fan of this style of aesthetics, but probably worth for someone looking for a bizarre game. I feel some of the new-retro fps games nail the style better than others. Zortch is the best example that comes to my mind when it comes to games most accurately emulating the visual and gameplay style of 90s. It feels like a lost fps game from 1997/1998.
  11. Zoom is probably the best platform for getting the game imho. As for the source ports, I prefer Raze because all others seem to have jittering for me. Otherwise EDuke32 is the best for modding and RedNukem is the most accurate as it has demo compatibility.
  12. Okay, pretty sure that's just the DOS version. The health going from 100 to 199 seems to indicate that it is an older version of the game. 0.99/1.0 had this behavior. As for the armor, there may be a megaarmor just behind/under the soulsphere which is not visible in the footage. The level looks like a typical 1994/1995 user map that can be found in Maximum Doom. Nothing worthy is shown in this footage.
  13. Here's an idea. A wad where every map has IoS monster spawners and the floors are of the E1M8 type where the map ends once your health goes below 10%. This would make all maps into horde survival type maps where you try to survive as long as possible. The par times would indicate the minimum amount of time you need to survive to consider the map "beaten".
  14. Pakistani here. Of course cricket is very popular in my country, but lately I haven't been keeping up much with cricket related news/series.
  15. To quote myself from DWMC thread: In addition, I would like to add that I didn't mind the 30 second secrets. Initially, I was very skeptical about the idea, but when every map has a 30 second secret, you come to expect it. The "atleast 1 cyber on every map in UV" rule however I am mixed about. In some maps, the cyber is a great addition. But in others, he is just a bullet sponge. E6M2 in particular could done without the "chaingunning a cyberdemon to death" part.
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