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Jakub Majewski

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About Jakub Majewski

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  1. Go ahead! Don't worry, the 72 hour limit is not a hard rule. It's generally put in place, so that people don't sign up for a slot and then hog it without providing any progress. Please don't feel discouraged. One of the exciting parts of a project like this is the mixture of recreating your own memories and filling in the blanks so it more or less looks like a map that could have existed back then. With that in mind, I would still love to see what you'd put out. Especially since we need to fill all the slots somehow.
  2. Oh yes, most certainly. I probably should ask the tardy mapmakers to hurry up a little bit as well.
  3. What is Grungo's native language? Is it part of the Indo-European family, perchance? I don't suppose they spoke Modern English back then, did they?
  4. Hello, anybody there? I know I'm several hours over the deadline, but I would still like to submit my map. I literally finished this a few minutes ago. Sorry for taking so long, uni's draining as always. The map is a puzzle oriented map, and it's a bit hard for newcomers. There is one secret, but it's not marked, since voodoo dolls cannot trigger secrets. Sadly. "HERE'S MY MAP, MOUSTACHIO" JM23_1280.zip MAP23: Cramped Conveyor City Conundrum Music: "Escape" - Necros / FM, aka SONG0.S3M from In Pursuit of Greed Sky: SKY2 from Doom 2 Tested with: Woof -cl 9 Images below:
  5. Like that :-). Copy paste a direct link to an image(that ends with a file extension) and it embeds automatically. And yeah, double weiner, hard to fit both between the halves of the bun, I'd say.
  6. over here we don't slice a bun in half, we drill a hole into it instead. pic not mine btw
  7. Minor errors like that are going to be fixed by me during the compilation process.
  8. Map is beatable and enjoyable. Good enough for me. There is only one problem though: the exit sector itself is marked as a secret, which means you cannot obtain the secret without noclipping, so that means you can only have 5/6 secrets. Other than that, the map is considered finished.
  9. Interesting, glad to oblige. IIRC Black Plague doubles the ammo given by ammo pickups, just like Doom's Nightmare!, so that's a thing to consider, I suppose. You did remember to NOT check the original map during your creative process, did you?
  10. This texture is misaligned, but other than that, I think you did a good job. That automap message amused me; don't worry, I don't even remember this level, so I can't comment on your recreation's accuracy. UVMaxable in DSDA, therefore I consider it finished. While I don't recall the OG level, it is a bit starved on resources.
  11. You mean, when you try to test the map in a source port, all the ceilings turn into crushers? Can you submit the WAD, as in the map file here? I think it has to do with Rogue Tag 0, a rookie mistake. I think it's salvageable in that case. But yes, please show what you have so far.
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