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Everything posted by BassSlapper89

  1. Hey! Didn't we share the stage yesterday? :p

    1. Lagoonatic


      Yeah! I think we did!

  2. Episode 4 of Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom out now! https://www.moddb.com/mods/jazz-jackrabbit-doom-tc/downloads/ultimate-jazz-jackrabbit-doom-episode-4 Enjoy the new features and goodies!
  3. My band Agony and @leejacksonaudio made some magic yesterday for our upcoming single! Such an honor and a blast! Great guy! Learned some cool, fun facts about ROTT, Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem 3D! The song we're working on "Stalker" from E1M1 from Duke Nukem 3D. (Left to right) Richard, Me, Lee, Eric, Joey and Joe
  4. Nu Metal Doom MIDI music Alternative Classic Rock Industrial Metal 90s Hip Hop/Rap 80s Music Jazz Grunge
  5. Thank you for sharing your story bro. Sorry to hear about the subjects you mentioned that turned out being unfortunate. I know I am barely here on Doomworld, mostly to keep everyone updated with Jazz Jackrabbit Doom or random posts in forums. Anyways, you always give off "chill, cool vibes." You are a cool cat! I am glad things are getting better for you. If you ever need to vent or chat, the door is open and for all here who read this. Much love and cheers from Texas!
  6. I play bass in my band. We're a 5 piece band bringing back the 90s/early 00s style of rock and metal. We're just a bunch of dudes who enjoy music and write whatever we want! 😁 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/2IIhOCRoiGAt715mwKH0nD?si=FrRZjTPxToiAXqk9b_Cbzg&utm_source=copy-link My band Agony, https://linktr.ee/agonysatx210 Our list of social media! Enjoy!
  7. Doom and Music are my pharmaceuticals.
  8. Agony Promo! My band Agony performing at Bond's! Sometime last year, forgot when. 😆 Last year when I decided to take a selfie of me working on Jazz Jackrabbit Doom. Dreempipes is the map to be specific. I was working from home at the time.
  9. My band Agony (https://linktr.ee/agonysatx210), will be collaborating with @leejacksonaudio! Jackson gave us the opportunity to do a cover of his song he wrote for E1L1, Hollywood Holocaust, "Stalker" from Duke Nukem 3D, in our style of music! The band, myself and Lee are beyond stoked! Once the single is finished, it will be distributed through Distrokid and be connected to most, if not, all music stream platforms! Plus, merchandise will be made! Hope you all are excited as I am! Link: https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/2023/03/new-music-collaboration-in-the-works/
  10. https://imgur.com/a/Kjs8eMi My pup, Snoopy. My wife and I rescued him from the ACS back in 2019. He's 6 years old currently. He's a boxer mix (it didn't specify what he's mixed with in his documentation). He loves to play, farts a lot, enjoys pizza crust and sleeps. He knows when I have my episodes of PTSD and comforts me. Such a great pup.
  11. When I am not working on Jazz Jackrabbit Doom, I am keeping it old school in the music scene. You can check out my band, Agony in the link. All social media platforms, music streams, music video and upcoming events. Link: https://linktr.ee/agonysatx210 Promos 2023: The stage, home away from home.
  12. Besides mapping/modding for Jazz Jackrabbit Doom, I am the bass player in my band Agony. We're a 5 piece band, all original music, based in San Antonio, Texas! Trying to push for goals like releasing a full length album and touring. Links: https://linktr.ee/agonysatx210 I am not sure if anyone is into Nu Metal/Alternative or not but that's the style we write. Enjoy. 😁
  13. I collected CDs in my early 20s. Unfortunately, I stopped cause I was basically homeless and sold my stuff at the time. Last year I picked the hobby of collecting CDs again. I mostly collected back the albums I did have. Then, Amazon Music came into play around Christmas of 2022. I am now addicted cause now I get to listen to unlimited amount of music. I tried Spotify but never got into it.
  14. This is a great subject. I am still coming across new features in Doom Builder 2, Slade, the Doomwiki and word of mouth. Which I learned quite a bit in the past year and prior. I gotta say I have built confidence when it comes to ACS scripting. I felt intimidated when I first started working on Jazz Jackrabbit Doom (2018). I always avoided using any scripting but with the type of mod I am working on, the map definitely needs it. Lumps on Slade. ANIMDEFS, Terrain, Mapinfo, etc. I use to screw up pretty bad if I left out something. Now, it has been easy to understand and not to stress about. Designing maps with lots of detail and length. I used to design short maps, you can beat in under a couple of minutes. Now, it will take time to go through. I want to learn how to work on my own midis. As a musician, I should know this, which is silly to me that I haven't learnt it. 🤣
  15. I enjoy listening to your podcasts. I normally don't listen them cause the majority of podcasts I come across are based off subjects I personally don't like. Like Politics, sports, etc. Doom, music, movies and video games are my go to. So, what you're doing basically grabbed my attention. 😁 Keep up the great work! Maybe one day we'll have a chat. Have an amazing 2023!
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