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About DJVCardMaster

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    Grunge connoisseur
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  1. The only one capable of giving life a meaning is yourself. If you don't feel like it, your life won't have a meaning. That's my everyday's life, just living.
  2. To fix mid-texture bleeding, it's as easy as reducing/adding one level to brightness, so nobody notice changes in light levels. If the sector at one side of the vine is 160, the next one should be 161 or 159, light levels won't have visual differences.
  3. The term "Global War" is so historically wrong and stupid it just grinds my teeth. No, there is not going to be anything as a "Third Global War". First of all, it wouldn't be the third. Second of all, the globe is ALWAYS at way, even in places you don't even know exists. The current clonflicts could grow and mix in between them? Yes, that could possibly happen. Media plays on both sides: Conflict or "peace". Safe to say conflict in the world has raised a lot, and so far we are seeing several countries radically changing their directions politically, but so far not even the biggest sociopath leader of this World (In this current period, atleast) would dare to "press the button".
  4. I don't even know how it is played but here generally, people call you to "go play cricket" if you don't like Football, nor Basket. It's like the joke sport in my country, I don't think we even have a single cricket team in Argentina. I might get interested if we suddenly play any international competition though, seems like a circular baseball or something.
  5. Download: New Alpha 1.1 With updated maps and fixed missing or wrong songtracks. Also @SharkyChip someone at the Discord Server spotted that the exit linedef seems unclear. "About map20's exit, maybe put an exit sign? I mistaken the teleporter which would bring player to the beginning as the exit in my playthrough" You might fix that for the next update.
  6. JAJAJAJ qué jijodebu, tenés que cerrar el estadio
  7. Two months after balding myself and commiting a big crime against humanity. It's winter by the way.
  8. The idea is there for it to be a 4-way section, but of course someone would have to enter it from outside, so one of the walls will be lowered, naturally.
  9. Making a shout-out to mappers whose map is still on a yellow (or orange) status at the spreadsheet, this means some issues have been found and need to be fixed. @Silhouette 03 @PinkFlamingo @Weird Sandwich @ThatWeNGuy @RataUnderground @SharkyChip @Snikle @TheV1perK1ller @OldManHan Issues are pointed out at the spreadsheet. Be sure to add difficulty settings and detail maps where pointed out. You can add additional stuff if you want. I think we will have a 2 month play-testing session until we come with a Release Candidate (August 1st).
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