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About Shulbocka

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  1. Untested as it may be, so far so good. It seems to be working well at least on the surface from what I can tell. Nicely done. Your frankenspriting skills aren't bad either, I like it a lot. If you finish it and put the same care into that you've put into the rest of the project, it's going to be freaking awesome.
  2. Personally, although it may be a pain to implement, I think the headshot damage amounts being unique to each weapon is the best path. As long as one shot kills are only possible with the weapons that can actually realistically do it. Meaning shotguns and sniper rifles are capable, where as the 9mm pistol or machine guns aren't. It'd be cool if you could even add a randomized stun if the headshot damage output exceeds a certain amount, so that if you headshotted a Mancubus or bigger it could have a chance to stagger for 1-2 seconds. Just a thought.
  3. That looks dope as hell dude. Hopefully we see more, but if not, that is still one sexy ass shotgun.
  4. This looks awesome man, seriously. It totally gives me some strong Warhammer 40K vibes, and I'm all for it. I'm just now getting ready to check out your UAC Blacksite map first though.
  5. Well I for one appreciate the hell out of everything you've put into this. I've been continuously playing it since you released the first version, and I still shake my head in amazement of the contrast between the original version and yours. You've consistently blown my mind with every update. There are a few mods I'd like to use with it, but it's not that they aren't compatible with BD or Eday, it's that they aren't compatible with Zandronum. It is what it is. Small sacrifice to experience such a masterpiece. ...and every post you make is almost just as entertaining as the mod. You're kind of mad scientist, and it's awesome and hilarious.
  6. Good thing I've been keeping both eyes glued to the Discord. And to all who haven't, prepare yourself for absolute dopeness.
  7. You sir are a literal mad scientist. That looks extremely cool, well done. That is some ancient technology as well, you weren't joking. Also just wanted to say your playthrough videos were helpful and fun to watch, thanks for sharing those.
  8. Awesome map. I had just as much fun playing it as it did exploring it. Great work, and thanks for sharing with us.
  9. Would you ever consider releasing an AoS texture pack that can be used with any map (or at least most)? They're some of my favorite textures ever and look great on everything.
  10. This looks pretty dope, nicely done. I'll play it vanilla first, but it looks like it'd be a good map for the "Lost In Darkness" mod as well.
  11. My gosh brother, that is so much stuff just in one update! Rest well though, you definitely earned it. I should be done reading all this by the time you get back next summer. Also, sorry, I'm a little confused. We should now be using "brutalv21che-2023-11-26.pk3' with the "chebskies-v1_12-2023-11-30.pk3" file, or only use the "chebskies-v1_12-2023-11-30.pk3" file with the Eday mapset?
  12. I have yet to comment in this thread, mainly just because it's so frequently updated, I simply just can't keep up and offer quality feedback. I do want to say though, thank you very much for all the work you've put into this. You're an absolute machine and what you've done so far is beyond amazing. I appreciate it greatly. Looking forward to your finished version of Brutalv21-che as well to say the least.
  13. Holy crap, that is extremely cool! I'm gonna use the hell out of this launcher if it can do all that. Thanks again. Before any of that though, I'm now getting ready to sit down and play all the maps it came with.
  14. You're awesome, thanks again for the help. I'll first try the second method that you suggested as that sounds like the best way to handle it like you said. If I succeed, I'll definitely share my results with everyone else.
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