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Gunstar Green

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About Gunstar Green

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  1. Doom II Ultimate Doom Doom 64 Final Doom The distinction between the four is razor-thin for me. They're all Doom after all, they're all just variations on the same thing I love. I don't know where I'd put Doom 3 or the modern games. They're wholly separate things from classic Doom in my mind.
  2. There are people who can't play the original IWADS on UV so of course to many Plutonia seems like an insurmountable evil. We have to understand that from the perspective of a normal gamer that has a casual relationship with Doom and has never touched anything the community has produced, Plutonia is going to seem brutal because it is definitely a large spike in difficulty over Doom and Doom II. A similar thing happens when people are playing Ultimate Doom for the first time and are unexpectedly slapped in the face with Thy Flesh Consumed. If you have eaten, drank, slept and shit Doom for decades now of course Plutonia isn't going to have that same challenge anymore. When people talk about Plutonia's difficulty it's not a discussion aimed at this audience.
  3. I don't play Doom constantly but there's never been a point in my life where I couldn't just hop into Doom and have a good time.
  4. On his own he's fine, maybe a little boring actually, but thrown in with other demons or another Marauder and it can be a little chaotic to have to juggle what he's doing while paying attention to everything else. Honestly I hate the Doom Hunter more. It's way more dangerous and such an annoying bullet sponge.
  5. There were already plenty of games cloning Wolf3D so I think the genre would have still taken off though it's impossible to know what would have taken Doom's place (if anything) since the games that followed Doom mostly took lessons and inspiration directly from Doom. The original concept for Rise of the Triad as Wolfenstein 3D Part II likely would have happened for instance. I'm glad we don't live in the darkest timeline where we all became Marathon fans and the Mac is the premier home computer platform for gaming!
  6. The ones that annoy me the most: Brutal Doom: It's not for me but I don't care. Use your free time however you want. Arguments about Doom Being 3D: Seriously it doesn't matter and it depends on how you define "true 3D" anyway and changes nothing regardless of your conclusion. What is "Truly Doomy": Like the Brutal Doom one, who gives a crap? Vanilla Doom is its own thing but that's not the only thing Doom is allowed to be. "Doom is Dying": This is like saying Super Mario Bros. or Tetris is "dying." It's kind of an absurd statement to make.
  7. I'm pretty confident Doom is going to outlive all of us here even if the more recent entries don't remain as popular forever.
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