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Everything posted by taviow

  1. We sure put you through the ringer on this one a little bit lol, thanks for playing and I'm glad it was enjoyable.
  2. You left out the part where myolden and muumi got attacked by manatees. Suffice it to say that they almost didn't make it, so it's a miracle this project got finished.
  3. Map 67 UV-Max in 2:53.31. jf367-253.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk1YqFA8Xw4
  4. Happy to see this finally out in the open. Glad to have been a part of it :)
  5. gg started playing this I got a bug report on map01 - the ALLBLACKF sector in the end there is non-damaging and a softlock currently. Not sure if on purpose but I sort of assume it's supposed to kill you. Back to playing, grats on release.
  6. This a pretty fun map, give your gf congratulations on making it. I hope you get more gifts like this!
  7. I'm gonna have to mention Liminal Doom 2. This is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the best releases this year, it took me by surprise and I didn't expect to love it this much. But once you start playing and realize the sheer depth and care put into it, you fully embrace it, despite its more unfriendly elements or maybe even because of them, I don't really know. I'm glad to have played this and I'll be digging back into it to try to uncover more of its secrets, since I've got much to learn yet.
  8. If my seal of approval is worth anything, you got it. I'm up to map05 and I don't want to say much so as not to spoil anyone, but suffice it to say that the experience has been very rewarding. The ambition on display here is staggering. A huge recommendation from me, enjoying it a lot.
  9. Ok thank you, I understand what happened now. I'll update the map to address that situation.
  10. Hello, once you kills all the archviles in Map08, the path to the exit is supposed to open via the use of a bossaction in UMAPINFO. There is one random archvile in the Baron + Archie fight, but that one dies once you press the RK switch. The remaining viles are all located in the final fight. If all the viles in the map are dead as you say, then I'll have to test the wad in this version of DSDA to try to find out what is going on, but in theory it should have functioned correctly. I'll investigate further. If you want to cheat your way to the exit, then idclip and press two switches on the east and west ends of the room. They are covered by the barrier that should have opened when you killed all the archies. That will open the exit.
  11. Real happy with how this set came together! Congrats everyone!
  12. Played through this set today, congratulations to everyone, it is great fun! FYI, I played RC1, so I don't know if these things have changed. But I have a few small suggestions for MAP04: I kinda think it's a bit weird that the RSK path offers an extra radsuit on top of the one at the start but there is no equivalent radsuit in the BK path, arguably the longer of the 2 paths. IMO you kinda need a radsuit in the mancs+revs fight along this path. I think the shoot switch to the north along the BSK path is very, very, very difficult to see even when you know about it and look at it just the right way. Personally would make this one easier but I understand that sometimes a secret is intended to be well hidden, though I'd argue that soulsphere feels very important given the lack of radsuit along the BK path and the hard fight that comes right after. 07 ultimately didn't feel overwhelmingly hard or anything, I think it's an excellent map and very well calibrated. I had a bit of a hard time with progression here and there (lowering the RSK, seeing the steps to the BSK), in general things that would otherwise feel very trivial become much more intense under the pressure of damaging floors. But that's all good, because once you replay the map with full knowledge it becomes amazing fun. Once again, congrats everyone, I had a great time.
  13. Stoked to play this and was looking forward to it. Will let you guys know how it goes :D
  14. Slightly ahead of MAP23 I'll post a few dev notes. I've spoilered them so that I don't give away anything to anyone who hasn't yet played it. First and foremost here's a few recommendations on how to have the best experience with this map: Use the OpenGL renderer in DSDA-Doom. It is the best way to guarantee good performance while playing it. While GZ should work (with MBF21 features enabled), I honestly don't think it will perform great. In consideration of anyone who had a hard time with MAP20 (and this will come to happen again in future maps, including 23 and others), it is important to remember that the full range of difficulty settings has been implemented in these maps, especially the hard ones. Now, let me cover a few points about the map's development: While I am immensely proud of it, there's a few lessons I've learned from it that I need to keep in mind for the future. I don't want to sacrifice performance to this extent on future maps. In the process of carrying out my vision for it, I ended up making something that just does not perform well. I sure do love my long sight lines, but I need to find ways to accomplish my goals without compromising on performance entirely. I crunched intensely to get the map done in 3 weeks. For the entire 3 weeks, every day after work, my life was this map. And during each of the 3 weekends I had, my life was this map. I don't regret it, because the map just wouldn't have got done otherwise, but I don't think I will ever do such a thing again.
  15. Just played this yesterday. Had a good time with it, very impressive overall and another successful entry in treehouseminis body of work :)
  16. Ahead of the 15th, I will share a few screenshots of map15's development process and talk a bit about how the map came to be and what goals I set out to achieve with it. - After submitting map23, I specifically asked Myolden for a spot in the Egypt episode if one became available, because that gorgeous sky texture just demanded that I use it. - This being my 2nd submission, and still burned out from the first one (map23, a much larger map than 15), my idea for this map was that it become a form of decompression for me, so I tried to take it easy during development and to deliver a smaller to average sized map. - I strove to deliver combat that I find spicy but also hopefully complex and compelling, this time with a twist - avoiding the SSG entirely and focusing purely on shotgun + chaingun and RL. This idea came to be from an argument I'd seen on discord about whether the shotgun is fundamentally bad/unfun, and it drove me to try making shotgun combat that I personally found enjoyable. I'm not sure whether this goal was fully attained - after all, RL will actually be your main weapon, and you can always use the chaingun instead of the shotgun, but I didn't want to just force you to shotgun too much. What I did restrict in just about all the fights was your space, so that rockets would never be fully safe to use and you'd need to carefully consider your positioning before firing a rocket, along with rationing rockets significantly. - I completely avoided slaughter style encounters. I'd already submitted a slaughter map to the wad, and I didn't want to just repeat myself on my 2nd submission, so I balanced these fights in such a manner as to use the monsters I placed as effectively as possible. - The big 4-way staircase was the first thing I built for the map and I guess it was the result of some doodling and then it simply happened. Upon building this structure, it made sense to place those cyber snipers, as such those were the first 4 monsters placed in the map. This placement was instrumental in defining what the map would ultimately turn out to be. Suffice it to say that almost every building and fight made after that was built in consideration that these guys will always be aiming at you from their perches. - The BFG finale has you taking your revenge on these guys who sniped you across the entire map. The Arachnotrons after the final fight admittedly don't do anything, but I needed them placed as part of the setup that teleports the cybers away from their sniping spots and into the arena where you fight them. - The fight with the backpack might be the hardest in the entire map, that's why it's optional. That said you can easily cheese this by doing it after you've obtained the BFG. I'm still contemplating whether to leave this as it is, or else what (if anything) to do about it. Enough rambling, here's some screenshots: Oldest screenshots of the map I've got: Originally I didn't intend for the central area to be covered by a large building. I resisted making this change for as long as possible, because I didn't want to lose this opening shot: With the fountain area uncovered, the map was just completely insane because there wasn't a single safe spot across the entire outside area, and I wanted the player to have one in order to be able to properly explore and notice where the key switches were located. Not only that but there were 4 cybers shooting at you constantly. The map was so difficult that I could barely even stand it myself. With that building placed in the center of the map, you always have "only" 2 cybers to contend with at any given time. Ultimately I'm quite happy with how it turned out. It has a mean streak to it for sure, but I'm confident that each area can be beat fairly while also requiring a lot of positional awareness from the player since you have to keep track of where the Cybers are. Delivering the kind of experience that tests your skills to some extent is a goal of mine and something that I personally look for in the maps I play. And with that said, I think this is all I can remember :P
  17. Hello @obake, I've also changed my mind about participating because I feel I have too many contributions elsewhere. I'm freeing up my slot in the hopes that someone else might be interested in filling it up, and can make the most out of this opportunity better than myself. Good luck to everyone on this project, I wish you all the best :)
  18. Hello, I've been playing through this and been impressed with the way you managed to capture the essence of each of the maps (although I'd argue the crusher room in 17 was an integral part of its identity :P). I have a small bug report on map18, I think your 242 control sector for tag 5 has the wrong ceiling height set. Unless the HOM that is currently showing up there is intended, the correct ceiling height for that control sector was supposed to be 384 instead of 128. Congratulations on this release, went way above and beyond a simple april fools joke.
  19. Very fast in the hands of such powerful mappers
  20. It will break on any map that uses MBF21 features, such as kill floors or MBF21 specific line flags (block land monsters or players). Something will break sooner rather than later, for instance I'm pretty sure Map 03 uses MBF21 line flags.
  21. I think it depends on the context of where the trees are used. The outdoors shots with the trees look great (they contrast really well with a white/grey background), but I'm not quite as sure about them when they are placed in an indoors/darker environment if that makes sense? Regardless looks like it's turning out really cool, looking forward to it.
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