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About Ganbare-Lucifer

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  1. Test for an axe weapon for Popoi... I don't think it came out good, I would like some help when it comes to first person weapons for the trio if possible.
  2. Randi Mugshots ...and Endpics for Doom and Hexen
  3. Guess what... I've decided to build the mod now. https://twitter.com/GanbareLucifer/status/1783228926401069142 Sweet credits to MogWalts who is helping me with this, and Komojo for the Doom of Mana logo icon
  4. Oh, glad to remember it! Hope it can maybe get another use through Realm667 bestiary once the sprites are polished
  5. Not sure where should I post this, so I'm gonna do it here. I didn't make this, I'm just asking what wad this zombie dog sprite comes from, I don't remember anymore and have been sitting there in my folder for a while.
  6. Vampire Credits: Raven Software, MagicWazard Werewolf Credits: Vader, David G, Finalizer Frankenstein's Monster Credits: UnTrustable, David G, TommyGalano5, LossForWords
  7. Nitori edit Credits to the unknown person who made the original sprites
  8. Recap of the sprites for Willow, Sallow, Popoi, and Strength
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