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About Spladam

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  1. My buddy (@JikissGamer on twitter) made a great map by map review of Bloodstain, he's been really enthusiastic about PWADS for the last couple of years, and has become pretty knowledgeable on the topic, and has a genuine love for old school Doom. He does a small review and walkthrough for every map in the WAD them rates them in order of quality as he sees them. I know he worked his ass off on this project, and it turned out really well. All the footage was captured on period hardware at 300x200, because that's how he plays Doom ;) Check it out if you folks get the chance, he could use the views and would probably not post it here himself. Thanks.
  2. Congratulations on the milestone, what a fantastic project and a great idea, looking forward to this.
  3. Is this a PWAD project? It's fantastic and very original.
  4. For some reason this instantly made me think of E Honda's stage in Street Fighter.
  5. @Doomkid You just sent me down a Usenet rabbit hole of nostalgia. The best thing about Google archiving the old Usenet in Google Groups is all the folks replying to 20yo video game questions and console war flame post. It warms my heart. I often wonder how many how many folks reading Doomworld these days are younger than the forum itself.
  6. -Edit: just reading your last post OP, would not have even replied if I saw that, I guess we just agree to disagree. I ended up just repeating what was already said.
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