Most annoying mechanics I can look past and still have fun but the one that genuinely ruins games that would otherwise be great to me is when games feel the need to have randomly generated “perks” that you constantly pick up And have to equip and unequip throughout the campaign
The kind of thing where they give you +0.005% damage to one type of enemy but -0.002% damage to another type
I hate in games like Shadow Warrior 2 or Control where towards the end of the game you have to spend forever in the menus micromanaging, equipping, and unequipping These perks to find the optimal ones to have equipped so that the bullet sponge enemies don’t take quite as many shots to kill, then after each fight you pick up another 40 of them and have to do the same thing again before the next fight
it’s generally paired with enemies that level up and take more shots to kill the further you get through the game so you don’t feel like you’re getting and stronger, you just have to spend hours micromanaging in the menus so that the enemies die in about the same amount of shots as they did at the beginning of the game
hope that made sense, I don’t know if there’s a term for it