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About Arrowhead

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  1. Okay, I've drawn the main layout, and all the pertinent geometry for MAP03!


    Here's a contextual map - this one gets pretty complicated:


    The red highlight indicates the level's main paths.

    Red lines indicate a deep depression or crater.

    Dark blue is a fence of some kind - decorative or restrictive.

    Green is an above-ground bunker of some kind.

    Yellow indicates the main central hill - it's quite large!

    Purple indicates a bridge of some kind - generally a few planks of wood laid across a trench, to allow you to travel over-top.

    Light blue indicates a completely underground area / bunker.


    I can't post screenshots of the geometry just yet, because its only using my placeholder textures, and it'll be hard to see things correctly when I take a screenshot aerially.


    I'll get texturing tomorrow, and should hopefully be done tomorrow! If I find enough time - at least the main chunk of work is out of the way!


    Excited to wrap this up, and then to start formal testing / wrapping everything up!


    I really want to get this pack released relatively expediently - I don't want it to rot on my hard-drive. I'm gonna need to find someone to help me make a TITLEPIC, but other than that, I'm most of the ways there, once I finish this map!


    Anyway, off to bed!




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