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I've been working on compiling something big!
I'm kind of trying to gauge the community's interest in something like this. So feel free to shoot this down as an idea, there's nothing concrete I've done w/ this, other than accumulate MIDIs for most of the composers I've found and listed thus far.
I've been hunting down every doomer-made MIDI I can!
Why?To make things 10 trillion times easier for people to find a desired MIDI file.
I'm certainly not going to circumvent someone's ability to make money from their hard work / passion - that's not the intention of this potential project of course.
By having a massive single-download compilation, lesser known doomers' MIDI works will become much more accessible, and thus far more used in today's WADs.
There will be a masterlist, of which all composers' names are accessible - want to download a certain doomer's MIDIs? That's fine - but chances are you'll also come across another huge amount of composers you've never heard of while scrolling through the individually named file folders in the zip / archive / whatever this ends up being.
You may say to yourself, "Hmmm I remember a similar idea, but for a repository website." I am not involved in this project, and it appears to have been on hiatus for a while now. However, if said project goes live, I will simply hand over the existing MIDIs I was able to assemble in this pack, and that person (whoever it ends up being, likely the admin of the proposed website) will / can add them to their site. This should not be viewed as a duplicate project, or a copy of that project, but more a possible supplement to that website when it comes around. I'm not trying to replace or usurp anybody by assembling this. I haven't talked to anyone about this yet - I'm just expressing that the work I do here, may make that site's work a little easier in the future - possibly - like I said, this is all just an idea right now.
I've come up w/ certain rules I intend to follow when constructing this potential zip file / array:
So, what will this proposed pack possibly include, what will it not include?The Potential Ins and Outs of This:
1) ONLY music composed/created by members of the doom-community.
2) ONLY original MIDI compositions - there is to be no covers of existing popular songs / copyrighted material. The only exception is covers of pre-existing doomer-created music.
3) NO licensed / copyrighted video game music of any kind.
4) NO official Doom franchise music - this includes the D1 and D2 soundtrack, as well as anything else created for release w/ the official games. This includes stuff like Hexen, Heretic, Strife, etc.
5) NO MIDI tracks that explicitly disallow their distribution in this fashion, (a large zipped compilation, or as a download from a different source).
6) People will also be able to opt out of this - "Hey, I don't want my MIDIs in this compilation pack!" : *Poof!* it will be removed, as soon as I would see it.
7) NO incomplete / WIP MIDIs
8) NO MIDIs that have been made public, but the composer requests that they aren't used in other projects, until a certain project of theirs releases.
9) ALL music that is put behind a required payment, or requires you to pay a sum of money to access, will obviously NOT be included.
10) There would hypothetically be constant updates in the future main thread for this, where people can provide MIDI files for updates to the main zip folder.
11) ANY doomer MIDI can be included, provided it meets all 12 requirements - I'm not cutting out beginner works, or even 'poorly received' MIDIs. I aim for as close to complete of a single-download archive of our MIDI composer community as possible.
12) NO file types other than MIDI. No tracker music, no .MUS, no .IT, no .MP3, no .WAV, etc etc. This compilation will only be for MIDIs. Nothing wrong w/ the above formats, they're just beyond the scope of this project.
Here's the list of composers I've accumulated so far (I may not include all of these if I find that 'distribution' from someone other than the composer is not permitted - this list is highly tentative):
Spoiler2009XboxLiveKid, A Handsome Fridge, Aaron Russell Bowtell, Adam Landefeld, AD_79, Alfonzo, AndrewB, Arsinnik, AtticTelephone, ax34, bigolbilly, Bloo, BlueWorrior, BlurryBoy, Bobbylol, Bob Reganess, Bouncy, Bofu, B.P.R.D, Bucket, Cammy, Cardboard Marty, ClumsyDoomer, continuum.mid, Corax, CoTeCiO, Crunchynutt44, Csabo, Daeron, Damian Lee, DankMetal, Dashiva, DCGRetrowave, Deadwing, deathz0r, decino, DiR, Dj Redlight, Doomkid, Dragonfly, Egregor, Endrey, Engired, Eradrop, Espeon, esselfortium, eltiolavara9, Evil_Scientist, Fanatic, Fernito, Fookerton, Forgettable Pyromaniac, Foxhead, Fredrik Johansson, Gifty, Guff dotD, Hayden49, HexenMapper, HQDefault, Huush Luncheon, ICHI Znot, Icytux, Immorpher, Fuzzball, Jack9955, Jakub Majewski, Jamie Robertson, Jark, Jazzmaster9, JD Herrera, Jeremy Doyle, Jimmy, jmickle, John Bye, Jonathan El-Bizri, Jon Landis, JustNecro, KeaganDunn, Kinker31, Knightrider of Doom, Korni27, Korp, Large Cat, LewkForce, Lippeth, LPad, Malandro, Mark Klem, Masayan, Mazaki the Hyena, Megabeholder, MegaSphere, MelonadeM, Metabolist, MFG38, MIDIChlorine, Milian, mouldy, Mr. Freeze, msx2plus, Muddy Funster, Nabernizer, Nameht, nathas, Negatronica, Neil Forshaw, NiGHTMARE, Noisebloom, Null Divisor, OceanMadman, pcorf, Peter, Phoenyx, Plerb, PRIMEVAL, ProxyMIDI, Psychedelic Eyeball, Psyrus, Ravendesk, RedInsane, Reelvonic, ribbiks, SilentZorah, sirjuddington, Skronkidonk, Snaxalotl, Stewboy, Syn, Synami, Tamara Mochaccina, Taw Tu'lki, Teivman, The Green Herring, TheHambourgeois, TheMisterCat, TheUltimateDoomer666, Tolwyn, TrialD, Tristan, Tsocheff, Tubs, UUN4, Varis Alpha, Velvetic, Vertigo, Vicious, Wallabra, Wereknight, Wilster_Wonkels, Wumbo, Xaser, Yakfak, ZeMystic.
153 composers so far listed above. But, there's still so many I need to add!
So far, I've accumulated a few thousand or so MIDIs - I'm obviously going to go through them w/ a fine-toothed comb to assess for duplicates, to remove more unwanted files that don't meet the above 12 requirements I've listed, or to remove stuff that people don't want included in this. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of all of this currently.
Remember, I'm not trying to be adversarial here - if you don't want something included, I will remove it - I'm not out to cause anybody any issues.
Any feedback on an undertaking like this would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading this novel of a post! I didn't want to make an official thread yet, as this is very much still just an idea.
The only thing more frightening than AH's work ethic is AH setting himself an ambitious target.
No but for real, I think you've laid out every potential conflict and eventuality in a concise and responsible way, and this has the potential to be one of the all-time one-stop resources, like Doomkid's Honkin' Great WAD Collection.
Of course I'm not a composer myself, so my opinion ought to be taken with a @Grain of Salt, but I reckon it sounds both rad and non-harmful to creators.
I really like this idea. I was just trying to hunt through the wiki the other day to find MIDIs. So I think there definitely needs to be a better resource.
Have you thought about making this a regular post on Doomworld to get thoughts or would you rather not do that?
Those are my thoughts and you know I am not a composer either. But I do love music.
I think I very well might make this a post on Doomworld.
I think I've thought about it enough at this point, but yeah- might do that in a couple days.
Thanks for the feedback, you two.
Might even do that after my stream today... or I might wait til I have things a little bit more set up, I'll have to see.