Late last year I discovered a game that's almost 6 years old: Red Dead Redemption 2. On top of which, it's for XBox, which is a huge departure for me, who cut his eye teeth on PC FPS games.
Then, recently, I got into Red Dead Online, another huge departure for me, who has lived in the single-player world for more than 2 decades. I really enjoy the co-op aspect, but the deathmatch side ..... not so much. Mainly because I am so used to fighting the computer-controlled/AI enemies of single player that when I'm up against a human enemy I utterly collapse. One time, I was chased across the countryside by a posse of 4 people and I was blasted to smithereens multiple times. I did manage to down some/all of them a handful of times, but "retreat" is a humbling word nonetheless.