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About Asbadagba

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    Dark Mapper

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  1. Funnily enough this is (one of) the ways the original doom was described as before the term first person shooter was invented. As someone who's into shmups and bullet hells, it's honestly not a bad description of doom compared to other 3d shooters...
  2. cat 2 dead on e4m8 dead at 122:38 7/153 kills e4m8 entered at 121:42 beat e4m9 ironman_2024_06_asbadagba.zip
  3. suspendid in dusk: cat 2 (ive played it at some point for sure, but i don't remember anything besides there being a lot of grey textures) survived in 53:45 bauhaus: cat 2 (played it couple years ago) survived in 40:41 ironman_2024_05_asbadagba.zip no video, wasn't in the mood for commentary this time, sorry
  4. cat 1 (never played) uv survived in 34:35 hope it's not too late to submit ironeagle_2024_05_asbadagba.zip
  5. cat 2 (i've played it several times, one of my favorite wads) dead on map21 dead at 96:54 (1:36:54) map21 entered at 76:54 (1:16:54) 262/1014 kills i overdosed on berserk packs ironman_2024_04_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  6. cat 1 uv 160/482 kills dead at 9:22 dsdadoom 0.27.5 ironeagle_2024_03_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  7. cat 1 37/117 kills dead at 18:15 dead on map04 map03 entered at 8:03 ironman_2024_03_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  8. cat 1 uv dead on map07 dead at 38:32 map06 entered at 36:03 kills 80/231 ironeagle_2024_02_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  9. cat 1 survived in 27:46 dsdadoom 0.27.5 ironman_2024_02_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  10. you could make a custom enemy with a radius of 1; 2 map units in diameter or an area of 4 map units squared. The max possible map size for a doom map is 65535 squared or 4.294... billion map units squared (although it's not possible to have a map that big, it would have to be at least slightly smaller). If you divide that number by 4 which is how big our custom enemy is then you get 1.073 billion enemies that you could potentially fit into a map. It probably wouldn't be a very good map since you've used most of the space just to fit all those enemies in, who would probably just infight each other to death. Maybe you could make them not infight, but then the player has to kill a billion enemies singlehandedly and it would run so bad i'm not sure if the current most powerful supercomputers could do it, but in theory a billion enemies seems to be possible. I don't know much about vanilla/boom limits though (most limit removing ports like boom and zdoom aren't actually limit removing, they simply increase the limit so high that nobody is going to realisticlly hit it), you might need a specialized source port for this. A million enemies would be a more realistic choice. With udmf you can also place enemies stacked on top of each other so now you have 65535^3 map units to work with which is 281.462... trillion map units. You could definitely fit at least couple trillion enemies in this case, but zdoom runs really bad at high actor counts so idk about that one...
  11. cat 1 uv e3m7 reached in 25:52 (didn't do the secret map) dsdadoom 0.27.5 it's janky for sure, but i strangely liked this wad more than i thought i would... ironeagle_2024_01_asbadagba.zip
  12. in general: - anything that's trying to emulate the vanilla maps in terms of design is going to also emulate the difficulty - early wads (90's, early 2000's) are generally easier - alot of mid difficulty wads should be fairly playable for newcomers on hey not too rough or i'm too young to die aside from the vanilla maps (doom 1,2,tnt,plutonia,no rest for the living): doom 1/2 the way id did doom 1/2/tnt/plutonia the way we remember it freedoom 1/2 (if you don't mind the sprite/sound replacements) e1 contest ch retro episode deathless and earthless revolution! 2002 a doom odyssey double impact scientist 2 doom zero obituary requiem momento mori 1/2 1994tu (boom) titan (zdoom) i also remember playing one of the inspirations (i think?) for dtwid from the 2000's, that kinda had the same premise and would fit in this list, but i don't remember the name and can't find it...
  13. category 2 (i used to play cchest3 alot in multiplayer like 10+ years ago, still vaguely remember this map) survived in 46:58 755/766 kills dsdadoom 0.27.5 ironman_2024_01_asbadagba.zip commentary edition:
  14. episode 1 survived in 19:27 episode 2 survived in 18:31 dead on e3m2 at 2:59, e3m2 entered at 0:53 nmlite-dtwwri-asbadagba.zip
  15. cat 1 dead on map11 dead at 70:53 112/133 kills map11 entered at 66:37 i did the retry thing on map01 (i failed the pick a pipe) ironeagle_2023_12_asbadagba.zip commentary edition: (or lackthereof; this wad's rather basic, i didn't have much to say)
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