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Maximum Matt

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  1. Quick question: What, in your opinion, are the 5 worst Maximum Doom wads?

    1. Maximum Matt

      Maximum Matt

      That ain't no quick question, man!

      I try to block the crap ones out of my mind and remember the better ones, so I'll try to go off the top of my head.....

      I won't count any remakes of IWAD levels, because you and I know that they are by far the worst offenders in Max Doom, and trying to pick the VERY worst one of those would be next to impossible.  And I won't count any DM-only maps because nah man.  Nah.

      You've got those so-bad-it's-good levels, like DMDV2, NICK, SUBWAY11, MIC2, and one you just played on your last stream, HELLRAI2 (as terrible as it is, I must admit that this was the type of thing I wanted to encounter in Max Doom - yes, a level that starts you right in front of a cyberdemon.  YES.) 

      And you got boring levels and broken levels which I hate, but the ones that stick out most to me are the maze maps, ones that just drop you into a ton of right-angled narrow corridors, the ones where you have to back up to the end to avoid every imp fireball; ones with little to no height variation or differences in lighting, NO landmarks of any kind, just right-left-right-left-right-left-right.  Hate them.  So ones like ZMAZE112 and LABYRIN2 are the worst of the worst for me.  And SORROW2.  Oh, and that bastard strobe-light maze part in THETEET2 where the whole ceiling comes down on you if you take a wrong turn.  

      I think I'll stop here, because I'm getting PTSD flashbacks :-) (I'm kinda joking, but kinda not.)  Again I tried to push memories of the crap ones out of my mind. 

      EDIT: You know what, that SEWERS.wad is one of the worst, simply because It's probably the most well known Max Doom map, as it was tacked onto the Xbox version of Doom and totally shouldn't have.  It was accessible from E1M1, dammit!

      Have you checked out my Max Doom list?  I rant about quite a few crap wads I encountered throughout my experience, it's not ordered at all but maybe you'll find it good for a laugh - it's here

    2. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      Have read it before, but I'll read it again!!

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