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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Memento Mori, because I had read that it came out before Final Doom. And then Maximum Doom, I can't remember the name of the very first one I loaded up (but I remember it had a Pain Elemental in the starting room), but one of the first was called WAYCOOL.wad. I picked it because it said it was way cool. It was not. It was not cool at all. That kind of set the tone for me.
    Decent-looking maps with realistic areas (like a harbour with a boat, a shooting range, theater etc) marred by some absolutely hideously obscure progression. This is the wad that made Kes get Slade so he could work out how the hell to get through it
  2. And you people haven't even considered what the rabbit actually represents... Doom's lore is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
  3. I just realised the cyberdemon's cannon 'flash' is a pentagram shape - I should've noticed that a decade or two ago, but I guess I ain't that observant
  4. Plutonia's map 22 Impossible Mission was made by Tom Cruise, along with his critically-acclaimed community megawad, The Color Of Nukage
  5. Thankyou sir, had no idea about this!! And it's also great to know that, coincidentally after watching an "Evolution Of The Wad" episode about Dead Simple ripoffs, that I've received 667 invuln spheres since I've been here
  6. How do you see these stats?? I wanna know how many invulns I've thrown out there
  7. It is the remnant of a gigantic intricate labyrinthine chef's kiss of an ultra-level that would've been hailed as the greatest of all time and put John Romero to shame; when Petersen heard that the rest of the team wanted to hail him and is epic mapping skills by putting his head on a pike he objected and drastically reduced and simplified the map, because he's lowkey like that
  8. In a funny coincidence, just yesterday I stumbled upon this guy who has the final three episodes of Tarnsman's Maximum Doom 2 series, that for some reason are missing from his Twitch account; this is his series where he went back to play the Doom I portion of Max Doom (so it's a prequel technically), and for some reason the last episodes are on this Youtube guy's vid list. Because I guess watching playthroughs of Max Doom chronologically has to be as convoluted as playing the thing itself.
  9. Is he only doing another episode? I see in his videos his maps still have the ExMx format, is it gonna be another Doom I episode?
  10. I've been really digging the latest Dream Theater album recently -
  11. Good Will Hunting was originally going to be called Good John Carmack, and feature Ferrari chases, swordfights, his juvenile criminal background, and possibly one of the greatest and most poignant stories of lost friendship (with co-star John Romero) in all of cinematic history. As well as one kick-ass NIN soundtrack
  12. For what it's worth, Sir Big Mac Davis has a pretty good strategy for getting 100% kills in this level - starting at 7:41 he lures all the barons and specters to the bars near the red key, and uses infighting and the splash damage from the small amount of rockets you get to take them all out efficiently. And since we on the subjects of E4M1 and punching things, I wanna once again call out my Doom Challenge, the "NIN Death Box" - I wanna see someone stay inside that thing and take on the four barons with what they've got (most likely coming down to fisticuffs). It always seemed to me that was the proper way to do it, instead of running out like a wimp and sniping them from afar, and I just wanna witness it, even if it's tool-assisted. And speaking of punching barons, shout out to this guy, because he's cool.
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