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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. And people who don't like In The Dark are wrong. BEHOLD -
  2. We would've got a lot more levels with lower ceilings, to show off the bouncyness of the projectiles.
  3. Try a few thousand... My pick would be map 18, Waiting For Romero To Play. Not only is it yet another bastardized metal cover (This Love by Pantera), but it's first used in the kickass proto-slaught map The Courtyard, where it's creepy atmos doesn't fit (it does fit better with Monster Condo, tho). And I think it's the only track in Doom II (apart from the intermission text music) with no percussion whatsoever. I still like it, though. The only Doom music I actually hate is TNT's map 14. Now THAT one sucks a Tom Hall 'nad.
  4. Beating the Icon Of Sin Tyson-style with twenty archvile explosions
  5. Yes, The Crusher was one of the levels that got majorly redesigned before release I would love to know the original map order, please show me or provide a link!! Please do, that would be epic
  6. Do tell, good sir, I would love to know
  7. You know what's fun?? Sabotaging your brother's progress through the Doom II campaign by saving right before a cyberdemon rocket hits him.
  8. Will the berserk icon disappear if you spend more than three years in a map though?
  9. He certainly gets more than Duke Nukem. And he doesn't brag about it
  10. AUTOMAP REVEAL YOU!! This also reminds me of the old Chuck Norris joke where he doesn't walk anywhere, the Earth rotates under his feet and brings his destination to him.
  11. I wonder if Roe Jogan will be going
  12. Ok I'm sold. Where do I get Tyrese.wad then
  13. And I thought I knew everything there is to know about E1M1. God bless this nearly twelve-year-old thread, for this is yet another.... THING ABOUT DOOM I JUST FOUND OUTTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. SNES Doom the automap moves around YOU, while your stationary. Explain that
  15. Doesn't work in Chocolate Doom 1/10
  16. Awwwww man can you imagine FIREBLU lego bricks??
  17. Hey, whatever you have to do to get that unbearably boring game finished quicker
  18. The phrase "I am become death, destroyer of worlds", originally ascribed to Cillian Murphy, was actually uttered by John Carmack at like 3 in the morning after he hosted his first smoothly-running LAN deathmatch.
  19. That just jogged my memory - I knew it was in one of the first levels alphabetically in the Doom II folder, so I went to the good ol' https://classicdoom.com/mlcdwads.htm Max Doom list and yep, it gets used in 2DIE.wad - that surprised the hell out of me when I heard a midi version of that song in Maximum Doom back in the day...
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