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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

    A glorified deathmatch map with baddies and an exit. I played it from Maximum Doom ages ago, but just realised it was made by the same douche who made the classic map25 "Baron's Den" from TNT. There's even one part in there with like those lowering/raising square pillars like in that level too, you know the ones...
  1. What, TNT did other things!?! Aw hell no My money's on this, too
  2. Hey, he barely even talked about Lunar Mining Project, that level is like in the top 25 TNT maps
  3. Sure, you've got DMBBATH2 (Knee Deep ][ - Bloodbath) on Maximum Doom, which from memory was 6 levels made to look like what the level names of the first 5 levels of KDITD would represent (plus the Military Base). 'Twas old-school, but interesting
  4. Nah, man. Thy Flesh Consumed's pic of Doomguy is the best. He looks a bit overweight but it's badass
  5. When you open up the door to the final room in E1M5, you see the lights strobing on and off, and you're all like 'aw HELL naw'.
  6. I like it when the key is hidden in a secret within a secret. That isn't visible on the automap.
  7. The best episode of this series is coming right up
  8. I just wanna give a quick shout-out to a few new Youtube channels I've discovered lately, that go through the most exquisite of crappy old-school Doom PWADs from back in the day - DOOM WAD WORLD - Plowing through 2 wads a day, and has even attempted the classic DARKGATE (lost patience near the end of map06) SPECTERE - Who has D!ZONED!, a playlist dedicated to randomly playing maps from the infamous shovelware collection - he helpfully give the maps ratings out of ten THE LAMP - who, among other things, just went through The Innocent Crew's OBITUARY (you know, the one with the rocket zombies) As someone who is still addicted to anything Maximum Doom-related, I can highly recommend this collection of psychos. If there is anybody else out there who is doing this sort of thing, I would love to know - tell me who I need to check out Rip n Tear Peace out
  9. I played through at least four-fifths of Maximum Doom through Chocolate Doom, keyboard only. Come at me.
  10. You could still kill the Romero head with splash damage from rockets, so it's still possible to break the record if you can trigger the glitch
  11. Computer maps are as essential in levels as the goddamn SSG.
  12. I'm always firing up map 20 of Memento Mori and seeing how long I last, for whatever reason
  13. They should've carried over the episodic structure from Doom I and had four 9-level episodes, all with cool titles and map screens
  14. DARKGATE. I wanna see someone properly do that one.
  15. Okay, I'm throwin' the Gantlet (sp?) down - anybody who can play DARKGATE or DARKGAT2* from start to finish, would be the Doomlord with the iron patience and baron-shotgunnin' skills. This bastard (especially the last level) has stumped Tarnsman, Paul of Piece Of Pie Software, Kes of Kes Gaming, me, and most recently this guy. This has to be the most mind-numbingly sadistic episode ever created, and I wanna hear from somebody who has actually conquered it. *I think either one has it's own advantages, the converted DARKGAT2 has the benefit of the super-shotgun and (IIRC) some of the barons converted to hell knights, but of course there's cacos converted to PE's and the obligatory archvile in each level, also, the sector 666 tag doesn't work in this version (is there a workaround for that?)
  16. I'd like to know why, when you're noclipping around a level, minding your own business, if you walk on a damaging floor, then go through a wall into the void on that same floor, you continue to take damage.
  17. Plutonia has quite a few 'tributes' to D2 maps, like two for the Abandoned Mines (map04 Caged, map15 Twilight), two for the Living End (map24 The Final Frontier, map27 Anti-Christ), and one for The Innmost Dens (map 18 Neurosphere). EDIT: And one for Circle Of Death/O! Of Destruction (map21 Slayer)
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