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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Kinda-sorta half-right - shooting the opposite inside computer screen wall inside that crusher causes the floor in there to raise up to the ceiling. For some reason. Honestly, this has to be the weirdest thing that happens on O.G. Doom
  2. I always thought of it as a Quantum Leap-style regression into Doomguy's past life of being Blazkowitz escaping Nazi jail, some kind of evil magic dream sequence thing (remember, Wolf 3d had some some evil demonic elements to it)
  3. I'll still fire up ol' E4M6 (Against Thee Wickedly) and try to 100% it in UV from a pistol start. I usually crack it by my third or forth try
  4. DOOM SCHOLAR: TNT EVILUTION Y'all gotta see this
  5. Love it, absolute classic. You are a LEGEND good sir
  6. I've been lost in too many levels for me to say, I can't remember working out progression of the levels back in the day (mainly because I'd always be noclipping around the maps, and had walkthroughs even back then), and of course Final Doom scrambled my brain up even more, but I do remember one thing: first playing E1 on the SNES port, my first play I overlooked both the optional maze in E1M2 and the optional yellow key area in E1M3, just would've strolled past the entrance to both, because on my second (or even third) go I was like "whoa shit, I missed this area". But yeah, also agree with the others about Command Center/Unholy Cathedral/Gate To Limbo/Downtown/Chasm/Spirit World. Fuckin Petersen.
  7. God I love this thread
  8. What, The Living End lost out to it? Aw hell no
  9. After Doom I, Lord Romero seems to have lost his taste for pinky demons - he put a grand total of ONE in the six levels he created for Doom II. He seems to have been way more enamoured with spectres.
  10. I was addicted to Big Mac Davis vids and JDoom vids for a while there
  11. I'm gonna create a level called NECROBMP.wad. And all the textures will be scrolly-face thingies
  12. It gets to a point where the 'non-secrets' become the true secrets in Doom.
  13. Hunted could've slotted into TNT quite well, come to think of it The only decent IoS map is Viper from Memento Mori I. Lol, the thing doesn't even attack you!!
  14. And in the same movie, Al Pacino discovered the void glide.
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