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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Crazy - I only just played through the first one the other day, on a whim (the Doom II conversion of Cleimos, CLEIM102.wad, from Maximum Doom). Just a weird coincidence
  2. My opinion on Doom II
  3. I also got into Doom from the SNES version when I was 12 or 13, rented that bad boy out so many times I should've just bought it - I can't remember if I beat it, I believe there was no save system and if you died you had to pistol-start the same level (is that right?? Does anyone remember?) Then we got our first PC (1.19 GB of RAM!! "A gigabyte is waaay bigger than a megabyte!!") and we got Ultimate Doom from a friend (back when you could do that), and immediately appreciated the step-up in general quality (smoother, faster, textured floors and ceilings, monster infighting etc) and thinking that we had a rare "collector's edition" because of the forth episode (which, by the way, was the one that gave me the most nightmares, for obvious reasons). I printed out a list of all the secret areas, and trying to 100% a level instead of simply surviving it made it feel like a different game (I was fascinated by the sequence of secrets in E1M3 in particular). And I got to mention what a massive step-up from Wolfenstein it felt, as well. The lighting, the size and shapes of the levels and the colors - the cliché is everything going from black and white to color in that scene in The Wizard Of Oz. The level of realism was mind-blowing
  4. I think I've said this before (yeah, there's another 'head canon' thread out there), but I always thought the arch-viles had the power to 'zombify' humans - it kinda ties in with its' power to 'zap' you, like if you make eye contact with it, even from a great distance, it can make you lose your mind and start attacking regular people. They went through the bases of Phobos and Deimos, completely conquering the moons and zombifying everybody, then moved onto Earth (that's why they aren't in Doom I). They are the main 'lieutenants' of the spider mastermind, and the reason why the hell realm managed to take over Earth so easily.
  5. Getting goddamn softlocked and having to restart the level.
  6. Nah, it's thinking "Man, fuck D_RUNNIN"
  7. Actually, it's On Fire by Van Halen. Followed by Jump
  8. Man the only bad Sandy map is Nirvana. Guy is a Doom Lord.
  9. Well I'll be damned. Another thing about Doom I just found out about
  10. Musical prodigy Booby Price's innovative re-workings of obscure hard rock and metal songs for the Doom soundtrack gave a lot of exposure to and revitalized the careers of such little-known bands as Pantera, Alice In Chains, Metallica, Slayer, AC/DC and Weezer.
  11. Yep, those ones were awful. I have to say, though, MIC.wad gets the crown for the most badly mangled version of E1M1:
  12. A few have said inescapable damaging pits, I know of worse: inescapable damaging pits that have an item in them to lure you in. Another asshole trap is the button on the wall that does nothing except drop the ceiling down on you
  13. I wanna shout-out Rush, because I've been getting back into them recently - absolutely awesome band, I have a best-of and two personal compilations, the second of which I believe has the perfect tracklist (if I do say so myself) - 1. A Farewell To Kings 2. Circumstances 3. Entre Nous 4. The Necromancer 5. Jacob's Ladder 6. Lakeside Park 7. Different Strings 8. Natural Science 9. Cygnus X-1 10. Hemispheres These are good starting points for getting into the world's most criminally underrated band.
  14. Don't even get me started on modified IWAD maps.
  15. That one kicks the ass. Nah man, the map 3 music (Countdown To Death) is. It's the Blandnicity. Purple Rain
  16. The plasma sound is beautiful.
  17. There should be a category of how fast one can type IDSPISPOPD and strafe-run to the exit. I wanna see some noclip speedruns, dammit
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