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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Recently found out in E1M4 a deathmatch start on the ledge with the blue armor in the north-eastern room of the map was removed, because the player can trigger the monster closet in the corner, and then the single use elevator, which will then rise up too far and close off the closet and potentially trap any players inside. This doesn't affect the single-player campaign at all, but I love learning about obscure ways to break these old-school joints
  2. This thread is incredibly silly and immature, and - OH WAIT I GOT MORE -- Bacon of Sin - Icon of Pimp - Icon of Rim - Tyson of Sin - Icon of Swim - Icon of H.I.M. - or HIM -
  3. Oh shit, you win - forgot about that guy Yeah, but where exactly?
  4. Pop quiz, hotshots: where exactly do you first see a cacodemon in Doom?
  5. I like pistol starts with a cyberdemon standing right in front of me
  6. Hot take: it still would've been regarded as an all-time classic, and everyone would be constantly talking about what a perfect opener Hell Keep is
  7. Am I the only dude who likes the plasma sound? Huh
  8. All I knows is that arch-viles would be total douches
  9. That weird-shaped step (or whatever it is) reminds me of that room in the south-west of the Citadel (the room to the left of the main entrance), it's got a similar weird-shaped floor steps thing going on with it. Kind of a Sandy hallmark, like triangular steps or those colored-skull blocks in front of key doors. And one other thing... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
  10. Sometimes you just have to work backwards. Put a classic map into an editor (like say Innmost Dens), then rearrange the architecture, put in custom textures and sounds, and sprinkle in cyberdemons until nobody recognizes it
  11. Don't know/care if this is a controversial take or not... but I just clocked Memento Mori II today, and really enjoyed that bastard.
  12. Just found out that if you get telefragged while you've got the invulnerability, the white filter stays on your vision forever. I suspect this might be similar behavior with other powerups when you die (like radsuit, berzerk and lightamp goggles) but have never stuck around after death long enough to notice it. Also, like when you die right when you're picking up an item, and your vision sometimes is froze in the lit-up "boop" moment? Know what I mean?? Like that
  13. Deep cut Aw hell no man - go ask Kes about this one, he recently played the D2 conversion (DMSOF2.WAD) - this was the one that made him install Slade to work out what was going on. At least you can cheese the exit in most of these levels, as the exit switches are in the ground on raising pillars but you can do that Z-axis air-switch thing (you know what I'm talkin about, dammit) Yeah boi This dude. Get into this dude ^^
  14. Supermarket staff, elephant tamers, burlesque dancers, a Doomguy, street mimes, lifeguards....
  15. Sandy Petersen can fit five billiard balls in his mouth.
  16. They were going to implement jumping, but John Carmack scrapped that idea after seeing and being heavily influenced by the movie White Men Can't Jump. Incidentally, Doomguy's real name is Woody
  17. Dude looks like Slimer from Ghostbusters. Wait - I got one!! Egon Of Sin
  18. Lol a megawad solely made up of Circle Of Death remakes/tributes. Funny enough, I'm plowing through Memento Mori II and recently played map 21, a part of which has an obvious tribute to it. Add that to Slayer from Plutonia (ALSO map 21) and.... probably some more from classic fan megawads
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