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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Nah dude, you've got to up the dosage!! :-)
  2. That would be cool, if that's your new 'theme song' on your channel Aw hell no.
  3. A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido ...You can't really parody these lyrics
  4. I gotta say that he would be at least a little bit messed-up atomically, from all the teleporters he's been jumping through all these years
  5. TNT: Evilution was originally going to be called TNT: It's Dynamite!! and feature a full AC/DC theme in collaboration with the band (including a full soundtrack of AC/DC music, the bands' official logo prominently displayed throughout the levels, and the main protagonist being retconned into a likeness of Angus Young), until they discovered that Bobby Prince had stolen and bastardized one of their songs for E2M1 without their permission.
  6. Maximum Matt


  7. Of course this was the inspiration.
  8. Incorrect. As shitty as Max Doom maps are, at least every one of them was made by a human of some sort
  9. Yo man, what difficulty did you complete it on? I'm gonna start on it soon, but I saw the Dean Of Doom episode on it and it looks WAY to grind-y for my taste on UV (tons of barons per level etc) - I'm thinking of dipping down to HMP for my first play through, so I don't get burned out and start hating it. What do u think?
  10. Somebody please make a wad where Doomguy takes off his glove and holds it in front of him when you switch to it, and glove-slap the baddies
  11. That's a new one - someone get doom running from a cassette tape.
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