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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. That was so cool that level
  2. Nab the cash, buy a mansion with a panic room and play Doom on the low in there.
  3. Be showing my age here but.... River Raid.
  4. Get a guitar, a big-assed amp, learn how guitar tab works, and play along to some if your favorite metal songs. That's a good way to start. An intense hatred of neighbours helps as well
  5. John Carmack most likely owns some of it.
  6. No, but apparently Earth, Wind and Fire are.
  7. Nah that's cool man, I can amuse myself thinking up more important questions to ask the man if ever I meet him... If you cut your hair, would you lose your powers? Who would win in a fight, Tom Hall or Sandy Petersen? Why haven't you had the directors of the Doom movies assassinated yet? E1M7 bruh, amirite??
  8. "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.... I think my dinghy hanging out!!"
  9. Oh that is so wicked to witness - and on Mountain Depot from Memento Mori, a favorite of mine!
  10. There's a few, dude, there's a few
  11. FIREBLU and blue carpet texture.....nice....
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