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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. What's the deal with that linedef bullshit at the end of map 17, bro? I mean, seriously
  2. I'll go with Icarus, simply because it was the first full original music soundtrack i've heard in ages and the map 01 song kicks some intense ass
  3. Which one of you guys was responsible for Maximum Doom?!
  4. Lol Manlet That would explain his anger issues, he suffers from Little Man Syndrome (a.k.a. The Tom Cruise Factor)
  5. Other mind-meltingly awesome maps from the sublime Maximum Doom collection include Nick, dmdv2, mhacker2 and mic2
  6. I think it was the mapper's area code or something
  7. I would suggest looking up the best ones in the collection and playing those - the ones by Jim Flynn and Tim Willits for example. That's a good starter
  8. HELL YES Did u see that song he just released where he totally played one-handed?! He's still a legend
  9. Start in a very long narrow corridor with a cyberdemon directly behind you, and see if you can sprint to the end and to cover before getting a rocket up the ass
  10. Chaosphere by Meshuggh. And make it look and play like Neurosphere from Plutonia (itself a tribute to Innmost Dens from Doom 2)
  11. Been cranking Helmet's In The Meantime album in the car lately, gettin' into that good ol' early nineties drop-d groove riffage goodness
  12. Because old-school levels, dude. Three and a half thousand of them. Could not resist. Until, you know, I did. Then didn't. Then did again. I think I need therapy
  13. Cool - I was just telling my brother the other day that there were parts in OG Doom where you can get trapped (he didn't think so) - the main one I remember is the yellow key door in E2M4 that can stop working if you mess with it, I was trying to think of other places. Thanks!
  14. Maximum Doom. I got into it, decided to at least look at all of it, rage quit after a while, came back a month later, went through it some more, rage quit again, swore to never bother with it again, came back after a month, etc. Then I was at the point where I was like three-quarters through it and I was like "well, I'm nearly done" and really started to grind through it ( I was at the largest wads by then). Took me ages. A very weird addiction
  15. Hah nice one! "Who are you to wave your finger, you must've been out of your head"
  16. Way too many broken levels, way too many conversions that swap Doom I monsters for D2 ones and shatter the level balance, way too many E1M1 and map01 remakes/bastardizations, WAAAAAAAY too many duplicates or near duplicates. Making sense of this thing is a nightmare, and weeding out the good ones is a frickin' chore. They are there, it's just a grind to find them. The way I approached it, and recommend, is to first go through the WADPACK and DWANGO wads, and any other wads of a large file size - they will usually be compilations of levels, 27-32 maps, that you can load up and get an idea of the quality you're in for. Then, if you're game, order the wad folder by file size and go through the maps smallest to largest, for an easy way into it in my opinion. I could never imagine doing them alphabetically like some people do, that would've killed me!!!! Good luck!!!!
  17. That would be cool, but have them shoot one bolt or a couple of bolts, instead of an endless barrage like the aracnotron. Easy to kill, but in packs very deadly.
  18. Yo, another quick question - on your last stream, did you explain that DOOM142.wad was a straight copy of Doom 1 and that's why you skipped it? I didn't watch the whole thing, but the part when you went straight from DOOM1-32 to DOOM4-62 you didn't say why - did you say it in a different part of the stream? 

    Just checking in the name of completionism :-)


    1. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      I did, I mentioned it after that I think, because of where it showed up in the folder alphabetically. ;)

      Thanks for asking though!

  19. Still got all their albums on ITunes, been putting off getting back into them. They got some pretty out-there stuff - which I suppose is what happens when you've got a band member literally called 'sound manipulator'. Bedlam In Goliath was the one I listened to the most back in the day
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