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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. And don't cut that dude off while driving
  2. Funny you should mention that one, there's a dude on Youtube called Kes who's doing a playthrough of ALL of Maximum Doom, and his latest episode he did today made a start of that very wad (well, the Doom 2 conversion of it) - check it out if you dare...
  3. "I'm about to ruin this man's whole career!!"
  4. Love the parental advisory warning, that makes it for me. BTW, who drew this?? Kevin Cloud or Adrian Carmack?
  5. Classic.... that's like the one that goes: What starts with f and ends in uck? Firetruck, motherfucker
  6. That freaky green-ass face with the red eyes from E2M4. Sometimes with blood pouring out of it's mouth
  7. Yo man, gotta watch this vid:

    The first five minutes talks about the Master Levels/Maximum Doom, and about some of the map authors like Jim Flynn, who is a legend.  

    And before I forget, I have to show you (an obvious AC/DC fan) the song Big Gun, from the soundtrack to an oldschool Arnie movie (and Arnie himself makes a cameo):

    It's an awesome song in any case, but I had to show you especially because it inspired a Doom music track.  Can you guess which one??

    1. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      Lol mate, it's funny you should link that to me now, because I just watched that video a couple of days ago. In fact, if you check out the comment section, you'll see that I actually mentioned Maximum Doom in there.

      Also, I'm glad you shared this with me, I had never heard this song, and I'm afraid I can't tell which track it influenced. Which one was it?

    2. Maximum Matt

      Maximum Matt

      Wow, I only just discovered his channel a few days ago too... Great minds think alike right?


      And the Doom song is E2M1, not exactly the same and the tempo is slower, but the verse riff under the vocals is very similar

  8. This is classic, Civvie11 just did a video about Half-Life comparing the vortigaunts to shamblers and he says they are furry too (at 15:20) -
  10. I just don't like it when there's an obviously secret room not tagged as such, and the opposite, just some random area you walk into while exploring that gives you a "YOU FOUND A SECRET!!!!!" award
  11. Okay, I got somethin' I wanna get off my damn chest..... I think Pharoh, the secret level from TNT (map 31) is one of the coolest and most intricate maps evaaar, right? I've been working out all the sequences and encounters and how this joint works for ages now, but one thing has still remained a mystery to me: where the hell do they keep the cyberdemon before it is summoned for that encounter on the invisible platform? Seriously, I've been noclipping everywhere and I can't find the bastard ANYWHERE - is he in some little box between some rooms or something?? Does he teleport in?? Is he in the floor somehow?? I must know!!! But seriously though, Pharoh is the shit
  12. This is awesome, sir. He did those 'covers' simply as examples and didn't have anything to do with their placement in the games, and was against it. I needed this information and thank you, good 'Kid.
  13. Wasn't a void glide - you can just run into that key indenture right after stepping on the NIN and activating the rising walls, if you're fast enough. It's strange how this was overlooked - if you run the other way, you can leave the room, and the switch closest to the doorway will lower the walls again.
  14. Hey man, it's Master System Sonic, not the ultra-famous Genesis version
  15. Oh yeah, I'm going well old-school up in this joint
  16. I just found out that if you use the IDFA or IDKFA cheat while playing on the "I'm Too Young To Die" skill setting, then walk on a damaging floor, Doomguy's face will not go into the pain state.
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