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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. I've still got The Bends and OK Computer on CD, I'll throw them on occasionally.... yeah, nice melodies, cool interesting chord progressions, but I must admit I'm more of a savage metal guy. I always thought this song was sweet tho:
  2. Now I'm beginning to think that they were unfair to poor Shawn. Was the water cube THAT offensive?!!?
  3. I could post a shit-ton of epic shred on here, but I'll have to give some love to my new favorite funny metal Youtube guy Bradley Hall: ...and his alter ego, Sweepman:
  4. Yeah man, is this like a Tom Hall situation where one dude starts a map and the other one finishes it?? Are Shawn Green's fingerprints on D2, beyond Bloodfalls?? Do the official map author credits need updating?!?!?!!?
  5. Crack an egg into some noodles as they boil. Yeah boi
  6. There ya go, a reason to press 'g' on the automap. I'm going to blame this on every time I've ever taken damage or died playing Doom :-)
  7. That was alternately funny, cute and annoying. To be fair, I would've sounded like that too playing through Doom the first time when I was a kid.
  8. That was nutty. I liked the Keen sound and using cyberdemon's footsteps as the beat
  9. A goddamn waffle between two pieces of chicken!?!?? Maple frosting!!!?!!?? It's almost like they're trying to kill us, sometimes
  10. There's only one of those (E1M4), and it's not really considered by many to be the best of E1
  11. Ever listen to goddamn Dillinger Escape Plan?! Those dudes are nutcases
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