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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Surprisingly, the TNT level is turning out to be the winner here!!! And I must agree, because honestly, all the others suck except for Hangar, which I can't rate because everybody has overdosed on it
  2. Just remember, Mac users in the mid-90's were considered extremely nerdy and most people didn't care about supporting them
  3. Okay, so what were all the models - pistol was a toy, shotgun was a toy, super shotgun was redrawn from the shotty, chaingun was a toy, rocket launcher was completely drawn (??), plasma was this^^, BFG (and some wall textures) was another toy, the CHAINSAW WAS REAL, and the fist was Kevin Cloud's hairy sasquatch arm - is that all correct?
  4. Sorry I missed this topic, usually I stay on top of anything Max Doom related - yep, I still think this is the number-one reason to play this (at least over the DZones and other shovelware comps); it's OFFICIALLY RELEASED BY ID SOFTWARE. Yes, every one of the nearly 3,500 goddamn levels has ID Software's rubber stamp, for better or worse. I often wonder how many of the mappers out there are proud of that fact... Correct, it's a great archaeological relic of how mapping was done back in the day, all the way back to March 1994. For that reason alone, it's legendary. I would say it's closer to 10% decent to good maps, with the rest crap, duplicates, or DM-only. Again, if you want my opinion, you can go through my Maximum Doom List and check out the ones I liked. I'm actually pissed off lately that there were SO MANY more homebrew maps out there that weren't represented in Max Doom - guys like Doom Wad World and MeatySpag have been unearthing tons of 94-95 wads I've never seen before, which makes me all the more angry at Max Doom's duplicates which inflated the collection's volume. Again, Max Doom turns you into an amateur Doom wad archaeologist. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, if I had Maximum Doom in '96 I'd........ I don't know, actually...... I've heard it was Shawn Green that compiled all the levels, and I also heard (from Sir Tarnsman) that Jay Wilbur should take the blame for the idea. Then again, Willits' Raven levels are well represented in the collection. Yeaaaaaaaah............. you can do that ;-)
  5. It's predator mode. More valuable in multiplayer
  6. The fact it is made with a wide variety of mappers and showcases the widest variety of terrain and play styles means it's the greatest and most influential Doom episode ever made.
  7. Plutonia, because it's got Speed and that
  8. This ain't no joke thread - Fava Beans came out in '94, when Doom modding was in its infancy, whereas Hell Revealed came out after Final Doom and took baron spam to an excruciating extreme. Fava Beans wins. No comparison, really
  9. I agree that the berserk fist damage shouldn't be randomised - it should be max damage all the time. Nothing's worse than having your screen all angry red and you can't even drop a bunch of imps with one hit
  10. As long as there's no keys/required switches/progression, go nuts and do a Russian nesting doll of Secret-ception, it's all wall humping and discovery at the end of the day. I especially like the secret chain in E2M2 that also has a bonus TF-effect on one of the doors
  11. U2 Doom. Someone get on that. Actually, don't
  12. Ah yes, map 3 of #1DWANGO.wad, by Eric Reuter, arguably the first quality map of the Doom II portion of Maximum Doom, alphabetically. Uhh... notwithstanding the swastika, tho
  13. Aw hell to the no. How about another one: dying from the explosions of the Icon Of Sin. Sure, you still win the game, but the bastard took you with it.
  14. And now, thanks to Lord Romero's Sigil II: The Sigility, Doom One is finally complete - what a time we live in
  15. Plus, it's got quite a few bad maps. Like, a lot.
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