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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Tony Hawk Doom hell yea someone get on that
  2. I like how the corpses of your enemies stay on the ground, and don't disappear like in other games at the time. It gives a sense of satisfaction, of how you just came in and f***ed up the joint like a boss, and it also serves as markers of sorts in more complicated levels (evidence that you've been in a particular room already). An Id Software staple, as this also happened in Wolfenstein 3D and even the Commander Keen games.
  3. It's not actually an abbreviation, it's supposed to be pronounced "buff-gah".
  4. Yeah, it was Arlene, after they killed a bunch of cacodemons (which are always referred to as "pumpkins".... the book DID suck, too)
  5. Combining Doom and junk food.... we truly live in a blessed age.
  6. I also remember that one of the main characters exclaims "smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris!!" for no real reason.
  7. I like that level in (I think) Requiem where there's a small corridor that has you separated from a ton of Barons by a bunch of bars, but you're discouraged from killing them because there's an archie behind them - the corridor is too narrow to get rockets past the barons to kill it, and you realise the futility of trying to whittle the number down when the bastard is just gonna resurrect them again (coz we all know that a baron is the worst enemy an archie can resurrect), and so you realise you have to find another way into that area. Either Requiem or MM2
  8. Seeing the iconic enemy sprites recoloured like this always reminds me of Street Fighter II: Hyper Fight -
  9. 30 regular maps + 2 secret maps, more than 8 regular + 1 secret (per episode) in the original Doom. Remember, Ultimate Doom (with the forth episode) came out after Doom II. And even though Quake had an episodic format, it wasn't of a consistent length (eps 1 and 4 were 8 levels each, 2 and 3 were 7, plus the intro and end levels = 32)
  10. If someone isn't going to use this information to build a 1:1 replica of E1M1 I'm gonna be sorely disappointed
  11. OMG Zardoz Doom someone get on that right NOW
  12. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I'm Australian, I recently realised how many Doom Youtube people are Aussie, like Carl Jobst and Good Sir Doomkid. And Mick Gordon, the Doom Eternal Djent music guy as well. And the guy who made TNT map 26. And at least half a dozen people back in the day who made Doom wads in Maximum Doom. And one of the guys on Tarnsman's Twitch Doom streams. And John Carmack
  13. Maaaaaaaan, cyberdemon is the obvious choice
  14. If they'd slathered Gate To Limbo in Startan and put that in the E1M1 slot, people would be calling it the greatest opening level since Super Mario level 1-1 and calling Sandy Petersen a mapping legend up there with Archimedes.
  15. I never thought I'd learn about Doom lore from figgin' Wikipedia, but yeah, three things I never heard of before - It had the working title Green And Pissed (I believe that was Tom Hall's idea); They called their office "Suite 666", and apparently got influence from the sounds coming from the next-door dentist; and Lord Romero posed for a photo to show the cover artist (Don Punchatz) what pose Doomguy should have. No word on whether that photo still exists, though
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