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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. F1 and F2 are vote buttons?! I can't remember THAT level
  2. John Romero's upcoming biography was ghost-written by Stephen King.
  3. But oh so convenient! Ahhh okay Mr. Buzzkill, I'll go buy it then
  4. ^^ This. Correct good sir, Dark Hell is one of the best episode replacements (possibly THE best) in the Doom I portion of Maximum Doom, and maps 6 and 7 are some of the nuttiest maps I've ever played - somebody once referred to this wad as "Doom on acid" and I totally agree. I assume you've finished it by now, right?
  5. Has to be Maximum Doom. Simply because it's officially sanctioned ID software product. And I'll say that to my gibbing day. Aaaaaand the atrocious sewer.wad is now officially canon in Knee-Deep In The Dead now. And that one's about as Max Doom-ey as they get.
  6. Who was actually responsible for Max Doom? Did Jay Wilbur collect all the levels?
  7. Can someone please transcribe it and post it up here? I don't want to spend money to read it. Thanks
  8. I actually like Administration Center in TNT.
  9. I just wanna say, Odessey Of Noises on HMP has an aracnotron instead of a cyberdemon, which makes that big canyon part way too easy - instead of using the cover to not get a rocket to the forehead and trying to encourage infighting with the mancubi to get the bastard's health down, you can simply take out the problem with two rockets and you're done. At least Romero kept the cyberdemons on all difficulty levels Thy Flesh Consumed /rant over
  10. Aaaight that's it, I'm gonna create bigarrow.wad, with arrows everywhere, all the wall textures are arrows, all the maps are shaped like crossbow bolts, the sounds will all be replaced by quotes from Arrow, and I'll dedicate the whole thing to the memory of Jeremy Renner. What will this prove, you ask? What's my point? Well.... I don't know, okay?! But NOBODY here should be questioning the genius of Lord Petersen.
  11. You could also say map15 (The Twilight) is an Abandoned Mines ripoff too, with the catwalks-and-metal-bars motif... Plutonia actually has quite a few homage/ripoff maps, like map 24 (The Final Frontier) and 27 (Anti-Christ) being reminiscent of The Living End, map 21 (Slayer) totally ripping on Circle Of Death, map 18 (Neurosphere) ripping on The Innmost Dens, and of course map32 (Go2It) riffing on Entryway. And they say those Casali boys were original...
  12. Like in "eye-dee-dee-queue-dee". Or "id-piss-pod" or whatever
  13. TNT, mainly because it's fresher in my mind, after Civvie recently did a vid praising it. The Mill haunts my dreams.
  14. Doom II. Because necrobump
  15. Hey, Catacombs has a big compass arrow in the middle of the map, and nobody gets on McGee's nuts about it
  16. Yeah, I'll chuck in my two cents as well. * Possibly the coolest opening map ever * Music kicks dangerous amounts of ass * The end room thingies are a bit dorky, but yay for consistency I guess * Map 2 (and all the spaceship stages) rival Duke Nukem's spaceship stages * Those windmills in map 3 * The upside-down map 5 * Hydroponics * Map 22's tombstones (a FPS staple, and didn't MM2 do a similar thing too?) * Map 24's ghost monster setpiece * Both secret levels are awesome And that's just by looking at the map names on the Doom wikia. I think I gotta play through it again. I mean, the final level was crap, and I gotta say that one of the rooms in map 29 was a straight ripoff of an old Max Doom DM map, but apart from that, legendary.
  17. That's some good-ass headcanon, sir Aw hell no
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