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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Perfect, I'm using that from now on. But that reminds me of some old crap map I was playing once, a D2 conversion (called REDROM2.wad), that started you off on some thin Chasm-style catwalks with an archvile on them blocking your way, and (thankfully) an SSG right at your feet - the first (and of course only) time I played it I rushed up to it, blasting it a point blank knowing I was about to be launched into the lava - miraculously I managed to stun it with each blast and kill the bastard and was safe. I wanna say I have done this at other points in my life but I'll be damned if I can remember
  2. *knock knock* Who's there? American. American who? YOU NEED A RED KEY TO ACTIVATE THIS PUNCHLINE
  3. In map 26 Abandoned Mines, in the big secret area right behind the starting room (with the teleporters and the plasma gun), for some reason one of the cacodemons in the western monster closet (that gets triggered by jumping off the catwalk into the nukage) sometimes fails to get alerted and keeps the other two trapped inside, unless you shoot it or get close to it. It only seems to happen sometimes (when you trigger the linedef at the end of the catwalk, and not the other ones along the way), and only to that specific caco. It's real weird, as sometimes it works normally and they all come out as normal, but sometimes that one just sits there staring at you while the other two are trying to get past him. What am I missing here?
  4. I never think too much about save names, usually it's some kind of spin on the wad or level name so I can remember, but I haven't properly played in a while so I just took a look at the Load Game menu and the first two slots read "KILLER TUTU" and "DO A BIT OF KILLIN". So yeah
  5. Yep, my pick would also be E1M5, for the reasons OP mentioned, as well as that dank-ass hallway just before the final room, the useage of the yellow candle holder thingies (I dunno, just creepy decoration IMO), the monster closets that open up BEHIND you (quite devious) and the whole opening visual of having a nukage floor that you CANNOT avoid, you must run across it, showing from the get-go how the stakes have risen. Oh, and the teleporter secret area, which canonically shows the "demonization" of the facilities earlier than the Anomaly. Yep, definitely the creepiest one.
  7. Love these ones, old school and very atmospheric. I'll go with Memento Mori map20 (Mountain Depot), I always love occasionally firing that one up and running around in it until I get sniped.
  8. Should've called it the Vanilla Ice effect then - I could've sworn HE died ages ago, I couldn't believe it when he put out another album like last year
  9. When I got back into Doomin' about 10 years ago I made it a mission to take a real deep dive on the classic games and root out ALL the misremembered stuff that haunted the back of my mind, by seriously studying all the maps and hitting sites like Doom Wikia, The Other Doom Wikia (don't judge me) and this very site. I wanted to have all the levels of Ultimate Doom, Doom II and Final Doom locked in my head with any questions about them definitively answered. And then I got into Maximum Doom, but that's another story... So I have no Mandela effect these days (and what does that term actually mean, by the way? Did people used to think that Nelson Mandela had a hand in developing Doom or something?)
  10. Me neither - that means it's yet another...... THING ABOUT DOOM I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT!!!!!!!1!!!!
  11. I STILL haven't memorized the track names, but E1M8 for the epic solo, E2M2 for the general creepy atmos, and E3M8 for being straight-up thrash. Doom II - map04 for sounding like progressive fusion, map06 for being dank, 08 for being bluesy and echoey, and map20 for having another epic solo. And just about every song on the TNT soundtrack kicks ass except for that crappy map14 one.
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