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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. What, you think I'm some sort of one-note Maximum Doom guy or someth-.... yeah, I am. Shout-out to my man Kes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBLN1q8gzzQ Deep cut Ahhhh, 1_ON_1.wad, the very first map alphabetically in Maximum Doom, the one that sets an unrealistically high standard of quality for this collection Watch out though, you might get addicted to it and end up with something like this...
  2. Well, from the same episode, E2M2, also started by TH and completed by the Sandman -
  3. I hate it when you see it magically go through a low-hanging doorway, like it's got semi-noclip for its' ugly head.
  4. Is that door open in deathmatch mode? Also: "Maldad Incontrollable"?? The hell is that??
  5. Can anyone dig up that isometric (Diablo-style) Doom mod that I saw once a million years ago, so I know I wasn't imagining it!?
  6. ^^Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
  7. Get a level editor and spam gunners and imps through all the levels
  8. As a huge STP fan, Into Sandy's City never sounded like Sex Type Thing, but then again, I wouldn't put it past the DeLeo brothers from playing the main riff on harpsicord.
  9. Basically, if the map looks like a big circuit board, it's most likely a Tom Hall joint
  10. I like how all the chaingunner platforms are lowerable and all slightly differently-shaped
  11. Which is why we have unholy shit like E1M1 with every 'thing' in the level replaced with arch-viles -
  12. Yes, and can we also appreciate that the most western room in E3M5 is the same shape as the opening room in E2M9? And that all three maps suck?
  13. It's especially cool to see how Nightmare mode affects their behaviour and deadliness
  14. Ever chase a lost soul through the void?
  15. Whoa whoa whoa back the fuck up - JOHN PETRUCCI!?!!? The hell is this??! Please give me a source for this - if I find out that John goddamn Petrucci had some kind of influence on a Doom game, that will make my entire year
  16. Yeah you're right, there's one in map04 too
  17. You missed two items - start again
  18. Aaaiiiight, this is the correct answer. Doom I: E1M3 (Toxin Refinery), E1M6 (Central Processing), E2M2 (Containment Area), E2M7 (Spawning Vats), E3M2 (the hand one), E3M6 (Mt. Erebus), E4M2 (the Romero one), E4M6 (Against Thee Wickedly) Doom II: 2 Underhalls, 8 Tricks And Traps, 10 The Tom Hall one, 11 "O" Of Stupid Map Name, 14 The American One, 15 Industrial Area, 22 The other American one, 29 Living Endige Plutonia: 2 The one with the invisible bridge, 4 the one that rips off Abandoned mines, 15 the other Abandoned mines ripoff, the two Living End ripoffs, The Innmost Dens ripoff and Go2It. And Odessey TNT: Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat
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