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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Sewers? Aw hell no Maaaaan, Odyssey Of Noises is one of the greatest Doom maps ever made
  2. Romero's secret exits in episode 1 and 4 are also pretty intricate and inventive.
  3. It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under
  4. Yo!!  I don't know how fast you can get through all these, but here's the rest of he 'S' maps for ya...
    STALKER2 and STALKERA are yet more sp/dm identity crisis maps, may have co-op exits but from what I recall are kinda fun maps; STAND (created by Stephen King:-) is a dm map but with monsters and an exit, it's a remake of HEADLONG from the Doom I folder (specifically made for D2) so the overall structure might ring some bells for you; STAR-B-2 I remember being a bit of a weird one, star-themed (the main room and the teleporters are star-shaped), annoying crusher section, possibly need a bit of Slade-ening, maze at the end, map 2 is a good ol' arena boss battle; STAR2 also has a star theme, got long corridors, flashy strobe lit rooms, the western side of the map has these weird staired 'railway' corridors, only low-tier enemies (gunners imps and piggers); STARDET2 I'm guessing is dm, because of the giant "DM" in the map itself; STARGATE is a dm map with custom sky, doors and animated 'gate', apparently inspired by that lame movie; STARSHP2 is a VERY nutty 'spaceship' level (vaguely shaped like the Starship Enterprise again), very weird texturing for a supposed spaceship (there's hellish rooms for example), loads of rooms and teleporters, one 'canyon' you can fall down and get stuck, at least one button that the conversion retextured and so looks like a regular wall (next to a door to what would be the 'engine room' near the 'back' of the ship), hate that; STARWAR2 is two levels based on some weird little-known sci-fi movie from the seventies, pretty accurately I must say, I remember the first level mixes up one of the keys so it MAY be unfinishable without cheating, and the slow elevator-bridges suck, second level is like another scene, kinda cool but very symmetrical, you escape the main area like the characters in the movie did :-); STATION2 you've played this one already, opening room with loads of drop-down lifts you'll know it; STATIONX looks like a decent techbase for a change; STATUES2 I remember being a bit dumb, had a bit of linedef-activated lifts and stuff, the last room has pillars that for some reason only activate ONCE, and you can softlock yourself if you're not careful with these, but otherwise shouldn't be too bad...; STJNOHO2 and STJOHNS2 are identical (first one has a bigger filesize, so maybe it's got custom textures or music or something), based on the layout of St. John's college in Cambridge, so you know it's gonna be classy - tons of enemies and secrets, but also tons of buttons and a weird progression, yeah pretty cool; STONES2 you've played before a couple of times, but you gotta at least know that this is a historical one as it's one of the first 'proper' PWADs, that wasn't an example level or a very basic map, the first that tried to look like actual rooms and corridors and have progression, made in March '94, only a few months after Doom came out.  It was created by the same guy who would also go on to create Return To Phobos which you recently played; STORAGE2 you would have totally played the Doom I version of this (crate room at the start), see if you can remember it; STRAPS21 ugghhhhhhh..... Slade will be your friend on this one... opening maze you'll have to backtrack to to get a key, the eastern rooms have this real weird shootable walls thing, then there's another maze, but on the plus side there's an exit room fake-out that's pretty cool, and the 'temple' part in the south with the lowering blocks looks unique; STRENGT2 you've played this one kick it the hell out; STRIPPE2 is Long Square Corridors Dot Wad; STRMSTR2 you've played before, loads of staircases; STUPID12 is not THAT stupid (well, kinda), has a 'fence' section where enemies can shoot at you while your movement is restricted, not too bad; STYX2 yeah you've played this one too, kinda dm arena with a central lake and rooms and corridors around the outside; SUBWAY12 you've played, that real basic subway one; SUBWAY2 I'm not sure you've played (maybe in a wadpack), but is a good subway, with rail lines and a train carriage and stations and all that good stuff; SUDDEN is an interesting-looking dm; SUNGOD is an odyssey.  Huge level with a frankly disturbing amount of detail, it's definitely one of the best Max Doom levels - central hub, cyberdemon and spider mastermind arenas, VERY bizarre looking rooms and corridors, confusing, you can cheese the level without keys if you want, and the music is awesome; SUPER1 is map01 with added stuff... AGAIN...; SUPER222, hmmmmm, looks like a slaught map with a cyberdemon in a bunch of barrels; SUPER332 you've played, the building ringed with a ton of barrels; SURPRIZ2 is yet another mangled version of E1M1; SURREAL2 is a classic, the music is Head Like A Hole by Nine Inch Nails, no spoilers, just play it, man, stop reading this and play it NOW; SURVIVE2, yeah, you've played this one before man; SWAMP I enjoyed, a nice compact difficult one with Nazis and a heap of revenants, ends with a monster spawner battle; SWAMP1, 2 and 3 are three tiny maps with progressively a little bit more detail with each iteration, literally NOTHING in the maps (no weapons or dm spawn points), quite possibly the lamest trilogy in Max Doom; SWARM2 was a kinda confusing STARTAN teleporter map, there's a cyberdemon in there somewhere; SWEEPERS is another map01 remake; SWEET2 you would've played before in the D1 folder, short and sweet STARTAN map filled with enemies; SWORD2 is a well-made castle level with good progression, I remember I liked it; SYMBOLI2 you've totally played before in a D1 wadpack, one part looks like a gigantic PC and you press on the left 'mouse' button to open the 'monitor' up; SYN I think is dm; and SYS2 I remember being a well-lit kinda evil castle type level, with okay outside-y bits, but had at least one unmarked door so be on the lookout for that.  

    And that's the 'S' maps shut down

    1. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      Thanks homie, was a huge help. ;)

  5. Okay, I won't spam this thread with Drake pics then
  6. I wanna see a speedrun of Chasm. And Icon Of Spin
  7. E1M6, Administration Center and Mount Pain. I love Drake
  8. Yeah that's a decent one. Good luck Sir Gibbon
  9. Ummmm.... pretty much anything post-2007 Bruce
  10. Funny, nobody has noticed the male/female connotations of the map names yet
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