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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Change the order of maps in Episode 4 so it's not so unfairly difficult from the beginning. Even if you were to put Unruly Evil (map 4) as the first map, you can at least get some ammo and armor for Hell Beneath. And maybe swap maps 6 and 7, Against Thee Wickedly would be a better penultimate map
  2. Hey man, quick question:  you said you completed the DM section of wads, and you started your latest stream by doing DOA-122.wad, but I see in my list there were five more wads you didn't do (DM_FLEU2, DM_KHAN1, DM_KHAN2, DM_TPA_2, and DM_ZIGS).  Is this a formatting thing - those wads were at the top of the DMs because the underscore _ comes BEFORE letters alphabetically in your list (and after in my list)? And if so, you've just played them earlier?  

    I just need to know that, my OCD is in full flow today!!!


  3. Yo man, this is something I'm gonna try to do more often - give you a heads up on upcoming Max Doom levels.  

    I see you've got some wadpaks that have a bunch of stuff you've already played - like I've said you can skip DOOM142 as it's just the first three episodes of Doom I converted.  There's also the DOOMPL series - 


    DOOMPL12.wad maps - 

    1 - AMBUSH.wad

    2 - E1M1 remake

    3 - E3M1 remake (and was also E1L1RQ.wad)

    4 - E2M1 remake

    5 - ATLNTS12.wad

    6 - forget the name of this one, but you would've played this one before in a wadpak

    7 - A crappy dark slaught map (you'll probably recognize it)


    DOOMPL32.wad - 

    1 - STONES.wad

    2 - I think you've played this one...?? (sorry to be unsure)

    3 - NOPANIC2.wad - Don't know if you've already played it, but it's in the D2 folder

    4 - Not sure, but it's tiny

    5 - Your favorite, WARHOUSE.wad :-)

    6 - E1M2 remake

    7 - E1M5 remake

    8 - E1M6 remake


    DOOMPL42.wad - 

    1 - E2M1 remake

    2 - E2M1 remake (....yeah)

    3 - THIS one looks new

    4 - And this one

    5 - And this one

    6 - E1M2 remake

    7 - CASTLE.wad

    8 - E1M1 remake


    So this might help you blast through these wads when you get to them.  I'll keep an eye out in the future for other potentially redundant wads you'll be up against.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maximum Matt

      Maximum Matt

      Not much of a story, I was just addicted to it for quite a while - I remember when the Master Levels first came out, and I couldn't believe it had 3,000 levels as bonus content for it (I seriously thought it was a typo, it could only be 300 right?) Then around 2013-ish, after getting deeply back into Doom and playing the hell out of Doom I, II, Final Doom and Momento Mori I just had to get it and check it out.  And that's when the thing pulled me in - it's such a fascinating and bizarre collection, it has so many maps from the very beginning of Doom community mapping, you truly begin to feel like a Doom historian going through it.  

      It's got lots of classic maps, but there's TONS of crap - amateur my-first-wad maps, slaught-a-thons, broken maps, and of course loads of IWAD remakes and duplicates.  I started scouring the net for more info, discovering Youtube channels and videos of playthroughs, going through the Wad archive and the /idgames archive, I did ragequit and vow never to play any again more than once, but would get sucked back in, I'd be like "well, there's only 800 more wads to check out".  

      And then, just as I'm getting away from all that and playing actual quality Doom stuff from that era (Icarus, Requiem) this dude named Kes comes along and fires up my OCD once again, and I'm right back to where I was.... back down the rabbit hole I go...

    3. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      I feel like this is the part where I should refuse to take responsibility for that... but I'm not going to.

    4. Maximum Matt
  4. I finally finished Requiem. That's niche, isn't it?!? I dunno where else to post this, but I just have to talk about it for a minute. A 'requiem', if you will. Took me the better part of a year, because of being generally busy in life, and occasionally being soft-locked in certain levels (mainly one part in map 14) because of low health and/or ammo. Can I say this megawad rations ammo like a mofo? In these instances I'd have to savescum after like every enemy I'd take down, every four shells I'd pick up, and I resorted to cheating to finish map 27, the bigass city one (hey I ain't proud), because c'mon man, twenty-two barons. But it was awesome to see unique stuff like guillotines, inverted crosses, Stonehenge, snowy mountainous areas, canyons, a reactor you can blow up (cool), bridges you can pass over AND under (very cool), wall decorations (like torches and pentagrams and evil skulls) that have scrolling textures in their details, epic lighting and architecture, 'floating' structures (what's that called, self-referencing sectors??), a level that starts on the toilet and ends in a goddamn spaceship (map16), a Quake remake (?!??!) a skullden, a battle in the sky (!!!), all manner of waterfalls and pipes and rivers and bloodflows and yeah loved it. Never seen the ol' instantly-lowering wall trap used so much. Those short-assed maps (20, 25 and 26) are nice breathers from the more epic ones, even if they cause a bit of whiplash when you realize "oh that's IT??" Kinda the same with the final map, but whatever. I think it'll surprise no-one when I say my favorite was map 23, the Casali one. Absolute classic. So yeah, onward and upward, now to tackle Momento Mori II (yeah, I didn't find out Requiem was the sequel to this until I was knee-deep in it - why didn't they just call it MM3 dammit!!?!?).
  5. Says you with the red eyes and bloody knife
  6. Does it make me a sad 'Tallica tragic to say that even without sound, I can totally tell that they're playing For Whom The Bell Tolls?
  7. SSSSSSSSSSSSSS-SMOKIN'!!!!!!! EDIT: D'oh!! Got in just before me
  8. Civvie11 had a Doom video (can't remember which) where he talks about what he calls "Nope Rooms" - when you walk into a room with too many enemies, and you're simply like "Nope" and run the hell out
  9. Yo!! It totally sucks you've got to replay those levels from DMINATO2.wad, but at least you can properly finish map 07 (and man I love the Wad Archive):


    The button you press after the blue door opens the final door in the original version of this.  But as you know, whoever messed with this level is a douche.  

    Near the southern part of the map is a bridge over the slime with a big pillar that lowers with some barons on it.  After you've cleared out the level and pressed the button after the blue door, come back over to here, stand on the lowered pillar and as it starts raising, jump north-east to the little platform that the button raised.  This will allow access to the button that opens the final door.  Very sneaky....

    And also, I'm sure you know that map 08 is impossible to finish because the tag that lowers the walls only works in E1M8 of Doom 1.  That's a LOT of aracnotrons and cybers, man....

    1. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      That's incredibly helpful, thanks so much! I could not for the life of me figure that out!

  10. I call arch-viles 'the Trend' after Paul of Piece Of Pie Software - Maximum Doom has a load of Doom 1 maps converted to Doom 2 format, and one of the changes is to replace a single demon with an arch-vile for some reason (and occasionally it'll be the demon at the start of the level, meaning you'd have to fight it with just the pistol). And it would happen so many times, a single arch-vile in a weird place, that Paul would be like "oh no, not the Trend again!" or "I see the Trend continues..." (seen here at 2:20)
  11. Yeah, I only noticed that recently as well. And I also just found out once again that The Casali brothers are legends - I just played map 23 of Requiem by Dario Casali, and I thought I couldn't be surprised by Doom maps anymore - This is a goddamn chef's kiss of a level
  12. I got names for level types, when I first start playing them - "oh, this is a STARTAN map/cave map/maze map/slaught map/library map/Innmost Dens ripoff etc" I used to call false walls 'invisible walls' (and have heard other people say that as well), until I realized that that was stupid, of course they're visible, that's the point, it makes the enemies behind invisible, so I started calling them 'see through walls' and realized that wasn't right either. And I occasionally say "cybertime?" when I feel there's a cyberdemon encounter coming up (you find a suspiciously large amount of rocket boxes sitting around).
  13. Oooooohhhh yeah, I'm sadistic like that. (BTW, when will YOU start a Max Doom playthrough:-)
  14. Knowing way too much information about Maximum Doom.
  15. Lots of little cakes. Coz Doomguy is diabetic
  16. Just found out in The Factory (map12) you can grab the yellow key through the wall of the small room it's in. And I just just found out that a speedrun playthrough video someone did of Doom II that I've had for years utilized this and I never noticed, because it was so fast
  17. Decided to play E1M7 again on a whim (UV pistol start), and I'd forgotten how cool and iconic it is - it has four linedef-sprung monster closets strategically placed throughout the essential pathway, one of which has a secret door to the otherwise inaccessible outside area. Truly one of Lord Romero's best.
  18. Yo man, I've been obsessing over that final level of DARKGAT2.wad for a while, because I didn't think that a mapper who would create such complicated and sadistic levels would have a broken one for the finale, and I finally worked it out - and I can finally confirm that the level is NOT completable, because it's a conversion of a Doom I wad that uses Tag 666 to lower some walls for the final area.  It's a tag that only works in E1M8 of the Doom I version, and triggers only when all twenty-four (TWENTY-FOUR!!!!!) barons are killed. 

    As soon as I realized this, I loaded up the level again, put on God Mode, No Clip mode, all weapons, and the light amp cheats, and had me a good ol' baron hunt, counting them as I took them down.  This of course was still very difficult as the whole level's so dense, but once I killed the final one at the end, and saw the walls finally come down, there was no better feeling, dude, and I finished this bastard and deleted it from my computer once and for all.  

    I made sure that it CAN be done from start to finish - that part where you got stuck (couldn't re-lower that elevator), there's another elevator that gets revealed in that arch-vile room (if you can remember that bit).  But there's loads of untextured buttons, big monster traps, half the level doesn't show up on automap, and still some mysteries (there's a cyberdemon in a closet I have no idea how to get loose) - this one just fascinated me for some reason. 

    Pound for pound this HAS to be the most sadistic and convoluted episode wad in Max Doom (I certainly hope so), and it's ones like these that make me really question what goes on in the mappers' minds - these are definitely not made for fun.  It's like they're daring you to take them on, and using every dirty trick in the mapping book. 

    I just had to share that with you, man.  Screw DARKGATE.


    1. Kes Gaming YT

      Kes Gaming YT

      Thank you so much for figuring that out! What a relief to know what was actually going on. You're absolutely awesome for finding that answer, and I'm glad I never have to look at there terrible level again!

      Also, just so you know, I should be streaming Maximum Doom again in a couple of weeks. 😉

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