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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Even though I'm at work and can't listen to it yet, I'll give it a thumbs up because that song is awesome and anyone attempting Meshuggah songs gets respect from me. Because profile pic and that
  2. Nobody has mentioned that missing upper texture on the ledge to the 'grotto' area with the first arch-vile yet, it's pretty big
  3. Avatar Navi creature, drawn art-deco style. And, Mr. Kaleath, this is the best thing I've seen in ages: God bless you good sir.
  4. Most oldschool one is the 'lights-out' blue key trap in E1M3. Seems simple to us now, but for a new player still getting to grips with the player movement, and navigating through the environment, this would've been a shock back in the day
  5. Bringing gaming and high-cholesterol junk food ever closer together. God bless the sweet Colonel.
  6. Threads/posts that insinuate that E3M7 does anything other than suck.
  7. Sandy Petersen would've become a movie director of Peter Jackson/Stanley Kubrick caliber.
  8. Not having enough secret doors for progression. If it's a logical path to the exit, I feel something is missing from my Maximum Doom experience.
  9. At least have him holding Piece Of Mind, now THAT'S a sweet Maiden album
  10. "Where you going with that crowbar, Gordon?"
  11. Dmdv2.wad would be a close runner-up, tho Get ready for that one :-)
  12. Who said stick figures were easy to draw??
  13. Can't wait for more gritty fast food origin movies - "...starring Keanu Reeves as Ronald McDonald...."
  14. It's great you're such a nice guy to point that out to him, Kes, and I'm glad he took it so well :-)
  15. ^^ Maximum hell no LMAO that is classic!!! Did you message him or something?
  16. HO. LEE. SHIT. That is one of the most awesome Doom-related things I've ever seen. I'm sure your computer hates you for putting it through that. It's probably got stretch-marks now 13 times?! Some people have all the luck, I've only ever experienced it twice. Also, what version of Stronghold is that, with the green marble area at 1:44? That ain't in the original version!
  17. "Game over, man, game over!!!" You've probably got that one before, right?
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