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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Wasn't 2022 the year when Civvie did a whole series of TNT vids as shorts on Youtube? Wait, that was last year. Yeah, close enough. 2022, Year Of The TNT
  2. Ahhhh, 'twas YOU!!! Yeah, that one's seared into my memory...
  3. So what's the rules with the Master Levels? Which one is the TRUE opening map?
  4. No, don't be sorry, I'm glad I got the news for the upcoming GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME
  5. I don't care if this is an old bump, this is absolutely awesome
  6. That one where a guy wrote a fan fic about Doomguy falling in love with Romero's head.
  7. Rare Casali mistake. It's still one of the greatest maps of all time though
  8. It's rude not to. The mapper went to all that trouble of putting them there for you to find/shoot/eat, you'd better if you wanna say you TRULY conquered a map
  9. This is the standard of the future - every new appliance these days is gonna have to have AT LEAST one small LCD screen on it somewhere to play Doom in some way. It'll be part of the specs in white goods stores
  10. John Romero, seen here holding a real-life blur sphere ...also Tim Willits had a pretty good career post-Doomige
  11. I only kinda recently realised Old School Doom has this, in a way - after seeing the gameplay element in Doom 2016/Eternal of enemies dropping a ton of powerups after performing a "glory kill", thereby incentivising the player to rush the enemies, I realised that Doom '93 (heh) has this with the gunners that drop ammo - depending on how much ammo the map has readily available of course, sometimes you're forced to run into gunfire to pickup some scraps of ammo to take out the last bad guys. And I'm pretty sure that was a conscious decision on Romero/Petersen/whoever's part.
  12. He needs a facelift. But he won't get one. He's not a vaingunner.
  13. The upcoming Sigil III: Judgement Sidge will be seventeen thousand Slige maps, only one of which has an ultra-obscure secret exit to the one original Romero level.
  14. When talking in context of Tom Hall's input, I'm pretty sure he simply did the big opening room and that's it - it's basically a full Sandy map.
  15. Yeah, the first person who responded, actually
  16. One day I'm gonna try some serious runs with -fastmonsters, but motherF*** trying it with respawning enemies.
  17. Well, if I can't pick Doomguy, then it's obviously Halloween Harry -
  18. I always liked the lady from the Capcom Alien Vs Predator beat 'em up from like '95.... (Capcom just had some incredible graphics and characters in general back then)
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