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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. John Carmack went back in time and gave it to himself to make the development process easier.
  2. Should've been able to make loop-de-loops and Doomguy could do the Doomy Spin Attack
  3. Of the best wads from '94, I can co-sign Base, Bleak House, Castle Of Evil, Caverns, Crossing Acheron, Dante's Gate (both Dr. Sleep levels - should've mentioned that), Der Turm, Doom Anomaly, Doomsday Of UAC, E1M1SAS, Eternity, Galaxis, H Hotel, Infestation, Invasion: Level 1, Legion Down Under, NJ Doom, Pueblo, Redrum, Return To Phobos (despite the problem with level 2), Runaway (AKA Run666, this had a hidden mandatory door tho), Slaughter Until Death, Stones, goddamn Sungod, The Deimos Subway, UACPen, UCA, Urbnbeta, and Wasteland: Mountain Of Fire. Killing Zone, though, sucks.
  4. Ol' heavy Devy, the gift that keeps on giving.... here's an old-school song of his that's very Doom-ish, it sounds suspiciously like Dark Halls or something (it was written in 1990)...
  5. I think that actually fits better - spider is the brains, cybie is the brawn. And it's been ages since I went through Tom Hall's "Doom Bible", what was the story going to be with the whole Phobos - hell - Deimos storyline?
  6. Doom II map 15 from a pistol start seems to be the most likely scenario
  7. I always said I am of the perfect generation to appreciate the works of Id software - I had a friend up the street with a COMPUTER when I was a kid, so in addition to endless other platformers, shooters, flight sims and Sierra 'Quest' games, I played the hell out of the Commander Keen Games (mainly Invasion Of the Vorticons and Goodbye Galaxy, AKA the Dopefish one) when I was around 10-ish, then had my mind motherfucking blown by Wolfenstein 3D at around this time also. First played Doom on the SNES at around 13, then we got our own COMPUTER in time to get Doom 95 (and Windows 95 as a bonus), so my appreciation of the game wasn't in a vacuum, I had gotten that ramp up - I could understand all the advancements in the technology, graphics, sounds, movement, speed, weapons enemies etc etc and know the 'feel' of Id's style a lot better than the average goon. Then of course at 14 Quake hit and was the perfect game for sullen teenage angst, with its darkness and bleakness and ogres and stuff - and then came the next generation of FPS games, with all the big ones (Quake II, Unreal, Half Life etc) all being directly influenced by Quake, indeed being built off the Quake code in some cases. So yeah, that's how cool I am
  8. If it wasn't for Doom II, Doom I would never be a prequel to it
  9. Now why in the circlestrafing hell would Saint Romero DO such a thing?!!!???!?!!? Nobody can tell me that goddamn Bromero ACCIDENTALLY put that there...
  10. Wow, you got me thinking of Nirvana now!!! Very interesting.... I can definitely see both theories - I've totally seen loads of '94-'95 levels that try to simulate cinema rooms, with the large steps that represent the seating, usually in front of a wall with a scrolling sky texture :-) And the 'ruins' theory - I can see that too, like the slime room with all the rock islands that have enemies on them, or that room with all the shotgunners and revenants that's got the one wall that 'crumbles' down.
  11. There was that one Keen game that wizards pacing in certain parts of the level, that when you came up to them they'd tell you something via textbox - surely that counts as NPCs?
  12. Easily the ones between 1994-95, there's literally thousands to go through
  13. Hey man, I wrote a few walkthroughs of Final Doom levels on that page back in the day, ain't no thang. **** You want an unpopilar opinion?? I think I'm not gonna play Sigil or Sigil 2: The Sigilling unless I can find one of those old-school Doom II converters that puts in the D2 baddies and the super shotgun. (Of course, with the side effect of completely smashing the difficulty balance and possibly messing with certain wall textures and making the secret level inaccessible, but that's the way I circlestrafe)
  14. Hmmmmmm..... now THAT'S an idea for an episode..... The Sandy Petersen The American McGulch Shawn's GreenZone Romerosphere Secret levels can be The Super Dario Bros.
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